Wiley Online Trading For A Living Beat Risk and Reap Rewards Like A Pro! The Compelling True Story of How a Top Market Maker Built a Successful Trading Business Praise for How I Trade Options "To much of the outside world, trading appears to be as incomprehensible as rocket science. What Jon Najarian has done in this engaging and very readable book is to ?demystify? the world of options for both the aspiring trader and the retail investor. How I Trade Options is a rare opportunity to look over the shoulder of this experienced options trader, teacher, and lecturer." -Lewis J. Borsellino, CEO/Founder, www TeachTrade.Com; Author, The Day Trader: From the Pit to the PC "How I Trade Options gives retail investors who have little or no prior knowledge the insight into how options work and how to use them effectively and responsibly. For those who want to learn about options, this is a rare opportunity to learn from a master trader. Najarian shows commitment to educating investors on the use of options to enhance their portfolios." -Rance Masheck, President, Quantum Vision Inc. "Not only is Jon Najarian a Supertrader, he is a Superteacher. I owe much of my good fortune to Jon Najarian. I learned more from him than I had learned in an entire decade-plus it was fun! Jon?s abilities to make his profitable trading strategies understandable are sure to make How I Trade Options a must-have tool that every option trader will want to own." -Don Fishback, Developer of the Fishback Option Pricing Model "Jon Najarian is a world-class options trader and a world class options educator. His crystal clear explanations of such strategies as vertical spreads empower the average investor to participate in attractive options approaches that, until now, have been dominated by professional traders." -Bernie Schaeffer, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Schaeffer?s Investment Research, Inc. Please visit our Web site at www wileyfinance.com
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