Business Opportunity Identification Through Innovation



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If you are an aspiring entrepreneur or a newly initiated one trying to figure out the path to traverse in the course of an uncertain entrepreneurial journey, then this book is for you. If you are a manager trying to look for new business opportunities to improve or innovate your business offerings, you will likely find some useful tips in this book.This book aims to guide entrepreneurs and managers in Asia on how to go about identifying business opportunities for innovation. The book presents lessons and insights gleaned from original research conducted with more than 350 Singapore entrepreneurs that explored in-depth into how entrepreneurs went about identifying business opportunities for innovation. Besides ample and appropriate business examples from around the world that illustrate key principles and strategies that guide ideation and execution, we also discuss how companies are identifying business opportunities to transform their businesses in these difficult times.The book will equip aspiring entrepreneurs and students of entrepreneurship and managers keen to innovate for their firm with the necessary skill sets to become successful in this turbulent economic climate. The book offers effective tips on identifying potential business opportunities, developing the business ideas with a well-defined and systematic approach, and sustaining the business through the adoption of appropriate business strategies and emerging technologies.In this pandemic ridden times, this book would no doubt be a useful resource for entrepreneurs and managers looking to ride out key challenges and emerge as survivors and successful business leaders.Key FeaturesResearch based — The content of the book primarily comes from several longitudinal mixed methods research studies, funded by research grants, conducted amongst more than 350 Singapore entrepreneurs and thus has scientific basisGrounded in practical frameworks — The book presents several theories and frameworks, derived from rigorous empirical studies and the broader academic literature, that will help provide useful guiding frameworks for entrepreneurs and managersPractice orientation — The approach and presentation of the book is practice oriented and is therefore useful for practicing and aspiring entrepreneurs who need guidance to effectively execute a business idea
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