This work consists of a series of masterclasses, short sessions of mathematics beyond the standard school syllabus aimed at 10 to 15-year-olds with a flair for mathematics who want to stretch themselves.
1 Introduction; 2 Spin-up; 3 Subject definitions; 4 Odds and evens; 5 Solving equations; 6 Weighing the baby by algebra; 7 Prime numbers; 8 Don’t jump to conclusions; 9 Euler’s formula; 10 Goldbach’s guess; 11 Perfect numbers; 12 Euclid’s theorem; 13 Mathematical symbols; 14 Medicine problem; 15 Dramatic dates; 16 The foggy day problem; 17 Angles; 18 Angles inside a triangle; 19 Angles inside a quadrilateral; 20 Angles inside a polygon with n sides; 21 Method for nding the centre of a circle; 22 Angles in a sector of a circle; 23 Orthocentre; 24 Arithmetic progression; 25 Leavers from an expanding school; 26 Isaac Newton; 27 Geometric progression; 28 Zeno’s paradox; 29 Big birthday problem; 30 Sundays in February; 31 Think of a number; 32 Hand shaking; 33 Losing money to the bank; 34 Supermarket oers: deal, or no deal?; 35 Imperial and metric; 36 House prices in Maidenhead; 37 Fahrenheit and centigrade; 38 Small things; 39 Leonardslee cake; 40 Halving areas; 41 Isosceles tiling; 42 Roman numerals; 43 New money for old; 44 Distance measures; 45 Weight measures; 46 Perimeter-diameter ratios; 47 Fibonacci numbers; 48 Quadratic equations and the Fibonacci sequence; 49 Pascal’s triangle and the Fibonacci sequence; 50 Golden ratio; 51 Pythagoras and the Fleet Air Arm; 52 Fermat’s Last Theorem; 53 Another proof of Pythagoras’ Theorem; 54 A third proof of Pythagoras’ Theorem; 55 Another application of Pythagoras’ Theorem; 56 Pythagorean triples; 57 Nautical notation; 58 Paper sizes; 59 Paper sizes and an innite sequence of triangles; 60 Magic squares; 61 Binomial squares; 62 Some special squares; 63 The nine-point circle; 64 The thirteen-point circle; 65 Cardioid; 66 Irregular hexagons and Pappus’ theorem; 67 Regular hexagons; 68 The rugby riddle; 69 Family trees in people and bees; 70 The tethered goat problem; 71 Fencing the bulls; 72 Surprises; 73 Sewell’s spirals; 74 Prime diagonals; 75 Cubic cusp in the classroom; 76 Nature’s circles; 77 Rainbow; 78 Basis and bases of arithmetic; 79 Lunes; 80 An octet of equal circles; 81 Alternative construction of the octet; 82 Triangle constructions; 83 A mosaic of equal circles; 84 Intersection of equal spheres; 85 Christmas cracker; 86 Ostrich egg; 87 Holditch’s Theorem; 88 A coee shop problem; 89 Step waves; 90 References; 91 Author information
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