This volume provides a comprehensive treatment of the Transeurasian languages. It offers detailed structural overviews of individual languages, as well as comparative perspectives and insights from typology, genetics, and anthropology. The book will be an indispensable resource for anyone interested in Transeurasian and comparative linguistics.
Detailed Contents; Series Preface; List of Figures and Tables; List of Abbreviations; Romanization Conventions; The Contributors; Martine Robbeets and Alexander Savelyev: Introduction; Part I: Sources and Classification; A: Historical Sources and Periodization; 1 Marc Miyake: Historical sources and periodization of the Japonic and Koreanic languages; 2 Volker Rybatzki: The Altaic languages: Tungusic, Mongolic, Turkic; B: Genealogical Classification; 3 Martine Robbeets: The classification of the Transeurasian languages; 4 Elisabeth M. de Boer: The classification of the Japonic languages; 5 Kyou-Dong Ahn and Jaehoon Yeon: The classification of the Korean language and its dialects; 6 Lindsay J. Whaley and Sofia Oskolskaya: The classification of the Tungusic languages; 7 Hans Nugteren: The classification of the Mongolic languages; 8 Lars Johanson: The classification of the Turkic languages; 9 Alexander Savelyev: A Bayesian approach to the classification of the Turkic languages; C: Typology; 10 Martine Robbeets: The typological heritage of the Transeurasian languages; 11 Nataliia Hubler: Typological profile of the Transeurasian languages from a quantitative perspective; Part II: Individual Structural Overviews; 12 Masayoshi Shibatani: Japanese and the mainland dialects; 13 Yuto Niinaga: Amami and Okinawa, the Northern Ryukyuan languages; 14 John R. Bentley: Miyako, Ishigaki, and Yonaguni, the Southern Ryukyuan languages; 15 Ho-min Sohn: Korean and the Korean dialects; 16 Ubong Shin, Jieun Kiaer, and Jiyoung Shin: Jejudo Korean; 17 Taeho Jang: Xibe and the Manchuric languages; 18 Brigitte Pakendorf and Natalia Aralova: Even and the Northern Tungusic languages; 19 Sofia Oskolskaya: Nanai and the Southern Tungusic languages; 20 Yohei Yamada: Dagur; 21 Jan-Olof Svantesson: Khalkha Mongolian; 22 Agnes Birtalan: Oirat and Kalmyk, the Western Mongolic languages; 23 Eva A. Csato and Lars Johanson: The northwestern Turkic (Kipchak) languages; 24 Jaklin Kornfilt: Turkish and the southwestern Turkic (Oghuz) languages; 25 Abdurashid Yakup: Uyghur and Uzbek, the southeastern Turkic languages; 26 Brigitte Pakendorf and Eugenie Stapert: Sakha and Dolgan, the North Siberian Turkic languages; 27 Alexander Savelyev: Chuvash and the Bulgharic languages; Part III: Comparative Overviews; A: Phonology; 28 Allan R. Bomhard: A comparative approach to the consonant inventory of the Transeurasian languages; 29 Andrew Joseph, Seongyeon Ko, and John Whitman: A comparative approach to the vowel systems and harmonies in the Transeurasian languages and beyond; B: Morphology; 30 Martine Robbeets: A comparative approach to verbal morphology in Transeurasian; 31 Ilya Gruntov and Olga Mazo: A comparative approach to nominal morphology in Transeurasian: Case and plurality; 32 Michal Schwarz, Ondřej Srba, and Vaclav Blažzek: A comparative approach to the pronominal system in Transeurasian; C: Syntax; 33 Irina Nevskaya and Lina Amal: The nominal group, possessive agreement, and nominal sentences in the Transeurasian languages; 34 Andrej Malchukov and Patryk Czerwinski: Verbal categories in the Transeurasian languages; 35 Andrej Malchukov and Patryk Czerwinski: Complex constructions in the Transeurasian languages; D: Lexicon and Semantics; 36 Martine Robbeets: Basic vocabulary in the Transeurasian languages; 37 Vaclav Blažzek: Numerals in the Transeurasian languages; 38 Milan van Berlo: Kinship term paradigms in the Transeurasian languages; Part IV: Areal Versus Inherited Connections; 39 Alexander T. Francis-Ratte and J. Marshall Unger: Contact between genealogically related languages: the case of Old Korean and Old Japanese; 40 Gregory D. S. Anderson: Form and pattern borrowing across Siberian Turkic, Mongolic, and Tungusic languages; 41 Edward Vajda: Transeurasian as a continuum of diffusion; 42 Cecil H. Brown: Beck-Wichmann-Brown evaluation of lexical comparisons for the Transeurasian proposal; Part V: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Identity of Transeurasian; 43 Martine Robbeets, Juha Janhunen, Alexander Savelyev, and Evgeniya Korovina: The homelands of the individual Transeurasian proto-languages; 44 Martine Robbeets: The Transeurasian homeland: Where, what and when?; 45 Choongwon Jeong, Chuan-Chao Wang, and Chao Ning: Transeurasian unity from a population genetic perspective; 46 Tao Li: Transeurasian unity from an archaeological perspective; 47 Mark James Hudson: Language dispersals and the ’Secondary Peoples’ Revolution’: A historical anthropology of the Transeurasian unity; References; Index
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