This book explores recurring topics in Romance phonetics and phonology. Topics studied range from the low-level mechanical processes involved in speech production and perception to high-level representation and computation, based on data from across the Romance language family, including from varieties that are less widely studied.
1 Mark Gibson and Juana Gil: Romance sounds: New insights for old issues; PART 1: ACOUSTIC STUDIES; 2 Beatriz Blecua and Jordi Cicres: Rhotic variation in Spanish codas. Acoustic analysis and effect of context in spontaneous speech; 3 Silvia Calamai: The phonetics of Italian anaphonesis: Between production and perception; 4 Xose Luis Regueira and Maria Jose Ginzo: A cross-linguistic study of voiceless fricative sibilants in Galician and European Portuguese; 5 Cedric Gendrot, Martine Adda Decker and Fabian Santiago: Acoustic realization of vowels as a function of syllable position: a cross-linguistic study with data from French and Spanish; PART 2: ARTICULATORY STUDIES; 6 Chiara Celata, Alessandro Vietti, and Lorenzo Spreafico: An articulatory account of rhotic variation in Tuscan Italian: Synchronized UTI and EPG data; 7 Ioana Chitoran and Stefania Marin: Vowels and diphthongs: The articulatory and acoustic structure of Romanian nuclei; 8 Stefania Marin: Temporal organization of three-consonant onsets in Romanian; 9 Daniel Recasens and Meritxell Mira: Articulatory setting, articulatory symmetry and production mechanisms for a subset of consonant sequences in three Catalan dialects; PART 3: STUDIES IN PERCEPTION; 10 Marianela Fernandez Trinidad and Jose Manuel Rojo-Abuin: Perceptual cues for individual voice quality; 11 Joaquim Llisterri and Sandra Schwab: Perception of lexical stress in Spanish L2 by French speakers; 12 Sandra Madureira: Brazilian Portuguese rhotics in poem reciting: perceptual, acoustic and meaning-related issues; 13 Caroline L. Smith: Perceived phrasing in French: a survey of some sentence structures; PART 4: PHONOLOGICAL ISSUES; 14 Rebeka Campos-Astorkiza: Modeling assimilation: The case of sibilant voicing in Spanish; 15 Jesus Jimenez, Maria-Rosa Lloret, and Claudia Pons-Moll: Adjusting to the syllable margins: Glides in Spanish and Catalan; 16 Fernando Martinez Gil: Galician mid-vowel reduction: A Stratal OT account; PART 5: STUDIES IN ACQUISITION; 17 Laura Bosch: Language proximity and phonetic perception in young bilinguals: revisiting the trajectory of infants from Spanish-Catalan contexts; 18 Jaydene Elvin, Polina Vasiliev, and Paola Escudero: Production and perception in the acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese; 19 Isabelle Racine and Sylvain Detey: Production of French close rounded vowels by Spanish learners: A corpus-based study; 20 Miquel Simonet: Phonetic behavior in proficient bilinguals: insights from the Catalan-Spanish contact situation; References; Index
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