This volume considers the great era of succession literature: the years of the Stuart dynasty (1603 and 1714) in which six monarchs were crowned and one Protector was installed. It throws new light on a singularly turbulent century and engages with key debates about changes in political values and culture across the Stuart era.
Paulina Kewes and Andrew McRae: Introduction; PART I. MOMENTS; 1 Richard A. McCabe: Panegyric and Its Discontents: The First Stuart Succession; 2 Alastair Bellany: Writing the King’s Death: The Case of James I; 3 Steven N. Zwicker: ’He seems a king by long succession born’: The Problem of Cromwellian Accession and Succession; 4 Christopher Highley: Charles II and the Meanings of Exile; 5 Helmer Helmers: 1685 and the Battle for Dutch Public Opinion: Succession Literature from a Transnational Perspective; 6 John West: ’A great Romance feigned to raise wonder’: Literature and the Making of the 1689 Succession; 7 Joseph Hone: The Last Stuart Coronation; PART II. TRANSFORMATIONS; 8 Paulina Kewes: ’The Idol of State Innovators and Republicans’: Robert Persons’s A Conference About the Next Succession (1594/5) in Stuart England; 9 Andrew McRae: Welcoming the King: The Politics of Stuart Succession Panegyric; 10 David Colclough: ’I have brought thee up to a Kingdome’: Sermons on the Accessions of James I and Charles I; 11 Henry Power: ’Eyes without Light’: University Volumes and the Politics of Succession; 12 Jane Rickard: Stuart Coronations in Seventeenth-Century Scotland: History, Appropriation, and the Shaping of Cultural Identity; 13 Ian W. Archer: Royal Entries, the City of London, and the Politics of Stuart Successions; 14 R. Malcolm Smuts: Royal Mothers, Sacred History, and Political Polemic; 15 B. J. Cook: ’Stampt with your own Image’: The Numismatic Dimension of Two Stuart Successions; 16 Mark Knights: The Loyal Address: Prose Panegyric, 1658-1715; 17 Paul Hammond: Afterword: The Disenchantment of Monarchy
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