This handbook is the first to explore the growing field of experimental semantics and pragmatics. Following an introduction from the editors, the chapters in this volume offer an up-to-date account of research in the field spanning 31 different topics, as well as identifying questions and methods for future research.
1 Chris Cummins and Napoleon Katsos: Introduction; 2 Dimitrios Skordos and David Barner: Language comprehension, inference, and alternatives; 3 Judith Degen and Michael K. Tanenhaus: Constraint-based pragmatic processing; 4 Richard Breheny: Scalar implicatures; 5 Sherry Yong Chen and E. Matthew Husband: Event decomposition; 6 Florian Schwarz: Presuppositions, projection, and accommodation; 7 Myrto Grigoroglou and Anna Papafragou: Spatial terms; 8 Heather Ferguson: Counterfactuals; 9 Kristen Syrett: Distributivity; 10 Dimitra Lazaridou-Chatzigoga: Genericity; 11 Rick Nouwen, Stavroula Alexandropoulou, and Yaron McNabb: Modified numerals; 12 Ye Tian and Richard Breheny: Negation; 13 Lyn Tieu and Jacopo Romoli: Plurality; 14 Adrian Brasoveanu and Jakub Dotlačil: Quantification; 15 Patricia J. Brooks and Olga Parshina: Quantifier spreading; 16 Stephanie Solt: Adjective meaning and scales; 17 Nicola Spotorno and Ira Noveck: Ironic utterances; 18 Nausicaa Pouscoulous and Giulio Dulcinati: Metaphor; 19 Petra B. Schumacher: Metonymy; 20 Sam Alxatib and Uli Sauerland: Vagueness; 21 Marie Juanchich, Miroslav Sirota, and Jean-Francois Bonnefon: Verbal uncertainty; 22 Hugh Rabagliati and Mahesh Srinivasan: Word senses; 23 Kristen Syrett: Antecedent-contained deletion; 24 Edgar Onea: Exhaustivity in it-clefts; 25 Christina S. Kim: Focus; 26 Ming Xiang: Negative Polarity Items; 27 Hannah Rohde: Pronouns; 28 Catherine Davies and Jennifer E. Arnold: Reference and informativeness; 29 Judith Tonhauser: Prosody and meaning; 30 Thomas Holtgraves: Politeness; 31 Paula Rubio Fernandez: Theory of Mind; 32 J. P. de Ruiter: Turn-taking
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