Governing Future Emergencies:Lived Relations to Risk in the UK Fire and Rescue Service


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The 21st century has born witness to myriad changes in the way the world is secured from the many emergencies that that continually threaten to disrupt its order. This book concentrates on two such changes by exploring how emergency governance practices have been transformed where an emphasis on risk intersects with the ever-increasing development and diversification of the data and digital technologies that security organisations have at their disposal. Emergency governance has undergone an anticipatory turn here, with digitally rendered and imagined scenes of future contingency become becoming cause and justification for the implementation of intervention in the here and now. Rather than scrutinising this turn at its most spectacular heights in the world of warfare or counter-terrorism, the book explores how the facilitation of risk governance through digital technologies in a more quotidian incarnation; where the United Kingdom?s Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) take steps to govern fires that have yet to unfold. Delving into the FRS, the book maps out a digital infrastructure that includes data sourcing processes, forms of risk calculation but also human beings and their consciousness alongside an array of material spaces and how these components assemble to produce portrayals of future emergencies. This infrastructure is shown to inform and shape a catalogue of refined modes of action through which interventions are made in the present. The FRS provides an understanding of risk as a lived relation, risk as an organisational ethos whose liveliness is founded upon and reverberates through the relations existing between those people and things operating in the FRS. Using the concept of lived relation as a foundation, the book develops a critical understanding of anticipatory governance and its resonance with issues emanating in the wider field of security, showing how security figures as a set of practices that rely upon and cultivate affective conditions, enrols the force of elements like fire into its institutional arrangement, that draw on an array of knowledges to exercise power and, in the process, instantiate new forms of subjectivity.
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