This collection features papers presented at the 147th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
Part 1. 2018 Symposium on Functional Nanomaterials: Discovery and Integration of Nanomaterials.- 2-D Nanosheets and Rod-like WO3 Obtained via Chemical Precipitation Method for Detecting Formaldehyde.- Electrochemical Fabrication of micro/nanoporous Copper Film by Electrosynthesis-dealloying of Cu-Zn Alloy in Eutectic Deep Solvent.- Electrosynthesis of CuNP?S from E-Waste.- Experimental Investigation of the Effect of ZnO-Citrus Sinensis Nano-additive on the Electrokinetic Deposition of Zinc on Mild Steel in Acid.- Obtaining of Iron Nanoparticles (Fe NP?s) for Treatment of Water Contaminated with As.- Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Using the Extract of Sedum Praeltum and its Deposition on a Ceramic Substrate.- Part 2. Accident Tolerant Fuels for Light Water Reactor.- Effects of Ce Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Accident-tolerance Fe-Cr-Al Fuel Cladding Materials.- Part 3. Additive Manufacturing of Metals: Fatigue and Fracture.- Evaluation of The Mechanical Properties of 15Cr-5Ni Stainless Steel Produced by Direct Metal Laser Sintering.- Creep and Thermomechanical Fatigue of Functionally Graded Inconel 718 Produced by Additive Manufacturing.- Part 4. Additive Manufacturing: Building the Pathway towards Process and Material Qualification.- Defect Detection in LENS AM Using In Situ Thermal Camera Process Monitoring.- Part 5. Advanced High-strength Steels.- Studying Hydrogen Embrittlement in Nano-twinned Polycrystalline Fe-12.5Mn-1.2C Austenitic Steel.- Non-metallic Inclusion and their Effect on Fatigue Strength for CAS-hardened Carbon Steel in Gears.- Influence of Austenitizing Temperature and Time on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of an YP460 Grade Crack Arrest Steel.- The Evolution of Microstructure of an High Ni HSLA X100 Forged Steel Slab by Thermomechanical Controlled Processing.- Effects of Matrix Microstructure on the Nanoscale Precipitation and Precipitation Strengthening in an Ultra-high Strength Steel.- The Technology Study of Silicon Reduction of Chromite Powder in Microwave Field.- Part 6. Advanced Magnetic Materials for Energy and Power Conversion Applications.- Influence of Co-doping on the Crystal Structure, Magnetocaloric Properties and Elastic Moduli of the La(Fe,Si)13 Compound.- Part 7. Advanced Real Time Optical Imaging.- Mass Transfer in High-temperature Laser Confocal Microscopy.- Current State Art of Double Hot Thermocouple Technology?Novel Way for the Study of Mold Flux High-temperature Properties.- Part 8. Algorithm Development in Materials Science and Engineering.- A Dislocation-based Finite Element Modelling of Hydrogen Embrittlement in High-strength Steel Alloys.- Part 9. Biodegradable Materials for Medical Applications.- Comparative Study on Corrosion Behavior WE33 in Immersion and Polarization Influenced by Heat Treatment.- Metal Injection Molding (MIM) of Mg-alloys for Biomedical Applications.- Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-Gd Alloys as Biodegradable Implant Materials.- Study on Polylactide-coconut Fibre for Biomedical Applications.- Visualisation of Implant Failure by Synchrotron Tomography.- Part 10. Biological Materials Science.- 3D Full-field Mechanical Measurement of Shoulder Bones under Implant Loading.- The Influence of Plastic Deformation Mechanisms on the Collagen Formation in Osteoblast Cells.- Part 11. Bulk Metallic Glasses XV.- Probabilistic Modelling and Simulation of Microstructural Evolution in Zr Based Bulk Metallic Glass Matrix Composites during Solidification.- Part 12. Computational Design and Simulation of Materials (CDSM 2018): Atomistic Simulations.- The Adhesion Force in Nano-contact during Approaching and Retrieving Processes.- Atomistic Simulations of Carbon Diffusion and Segregation in a-Iron Grain Boundaries.- Part 13. Computational Design and Simulation of Materials (CDSM 2018): Meso/Mac
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