The book examines a visitor book located in a national commemoration and heritage site in Jerusalem. It brings together communicative, discursive and performative approaches to understand how visitors co-construct national identity through their public inscriptions on the surfaces the visitor book offers.
Prologue; Itinerary; Part 1. SIGNING IN; 1. Tourists’ Traces; Performing tourism; Languaging tourism and heritage; The ethnography of texts; A medium’s history; Visiting visitor books; 2. The Ammunition Hill Museum: Authenticity, Bunkers and Language Ideology; In the museum; Generals’ autographs and soldiers’ love letters; Postscript I; Part 2. THANK YOU FOR DYING FOR OUR COUNTRY; 3. The Ammunition Hill Visitor Book: Inside-Out and Outside-In; Commemorative affordances from within; Figures of the 2005-2006 visitor book; Commemoration community; Collective articulation; Aesthetic articulation; Material articulation; 4. I WAS HERE!!!: Indexicality and Voice; Commemoration literacies and writing and reading rituals; Signing; A matrix of signatures; Signers’ identities, signers’ anonymity; Open addressivity structures; 5. Articulating Commemoration; Mediating commemoration; Contesting performances; Theological non-Zionist challenges; Hyper-Zionist ethnonational challenges; 6. Write I was impressed and not I enjoyed: Co-Writing Commemoration; Playful utterances; Words, drawings, and visual narratives; 7. Gender and Familial Performances; Fought like Lions: Institutional representations of men; IDF Soldiers - I’m mad about you; Families’ commemoration performances; Contesting masculinities; Part 3. SIGNING OUT ; 8. Like a magazine loaded with bullets: The VIP Visitor Book; Managing autographs: The pragmatics of signing; Autographs’ capital and the reconstitution of hegemony; For Kacha the untiring!: Elite networking; The Temple Mount is in Our Hands; International VIPs: Jews, Generals and three Jordanian Officers; 9. Ethnography2; Undoing the ethnographic; Dasein or being (looked at) there; Collecting practices; The story toes tell: (Dis)embodied (re)presentation; Performance ethnography and the occurrence of the academic text; 10. Conclusions; Postscript II; Transcription conventions; References
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