Shaping Primate Evolution describes form in terms of primate biology, and the consequences of form for function and behavior. Covering cellular morphometrics through to the primate evolutionary ecology and written by leading researchers, it will be a must-have volume for primate functional morphologists.
List of contributors; Preface: shaping primate evolution Fred Anapol, Rebecca Z. German and Nina G. Jablonski; 1. Charles Oxnard: an appreciation Matt Cartmill; Part I. Craniofacial Form and Variation: 2. The ontogeny of sexual dimorphism: the implications of longitudinal vs. cross-sectional data for studying heterochrony in mammals Rebecca Z. German; 3. Advances in the analysis of form and pattern: facial growth in African colobines Paul O’Higgins and Ruilang L. Pan; 4. Cranial variation among the Asian colobines Ruilang L. Pan and Colin P. Groves; 5. Craniometric variation in early Homo compared to modern gorillas: a population-thinking approach Joseph M. A. Miller, Gene H. Albrecht and Bruce Gelvin; Part II. Organ Structure, Function, and Behavior: 6. Fiber architecture, muscle function, and behavior: gluteal and hamstring muscles of semiterrestrial and arboreal guenons Fred Anapol, Nazima Shahnoor and J. Patrick Gray; 7. Comparative fiber-type composition and size in the antigravity muscles of primate limbs Françoise K. Jouffroy and Monique F. Médina; 8. On the nature of morphology: selected canonical variates analyses of the hominoid hindtarsus and their interpretation Robert S. Kidd; 9. Plant mechanics and primate dental adaptations: an overview Peter W. Lucas; 10. Convergent evolution in brain ’shape’ and locomotion in primates Willem de Winter; Part III. In Vivo Organismal Verification of Functional Models: 11. Jaw adductor force and symphyseal fusion William L. Hylander, Christopher J. Vinyard, Matthew J. Ravosa, Callum F. Ross, Christine E. Wall and Kirk R. Johnson; 12. Hind limb drive, hind limb steering? Functional differences between fore and hind limbs in chimpanzee quadrupedalism Yu Li, Robin Huw Crompton, Weijie Wang, Russell Savage and Michael M. Günther; Part IV. Theoretical Models in Evolutionary Morphology: 13. Becoming bipedal: how do theories of bipedalization stand up to anatomical scrutiny? Nina G. Jablonski and George Chaplin; 14. Modeling human walking as an inverted pendulum of varying length Jack T. Stern Jr, Brigitte Demes and D. Casey Kerrigan; 15. Estimating the line of action of posteriorly inclined resultant jaw muscle forces in mammals using a model that minimizes functionally important distances in the skull Walter Stalker Greaves; Part V. Primate Diversity and Evolution: 16. The evolution of primate ecology: patterns of geography and phylogeny John G. Fleagle and Kaye E. Reed; 17. Charles Oxnard and the aye-aye: morphometrics, cladistics, and two very special primates Colin P. Groves; 18. From ’mathematical dissection of anatomies’ to morphometrics: a twenty-first-century appreciation of Charles Oxnard Fred L. Bookstein and F. James Rohlf; 19. Design, level, interface, and complexity: morphometric interpretation revisited Charles E. Oxnard; 20. Postscript and acknowledgements Charles E. Oxnard; Index.
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