The Prevention of Crime

预防犯罪 第2版


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平台大促 低至8折优惠
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17.78 x 25.40 cm.
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2nd ed.
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库存 30 本
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When the first edition of The Prevention of Crime was published in 217, this was the first textbook to highlight the emergence, evaluation, and effectiveness of recent approaches to crime prevention inspired by public health and life-course developmental perspectives. Differently from any other crime prevention texts (which focus primarily on traditional crime control practices guided by deterrence, rational choice, and/or routine activities theories that seek to increase punishments), this book promoted a new approach to effectively reduce crime by focussing on the life-course of the offenders. Significant advances have been made in prevention science since the book was written (in 215): new journals divulgate research related to the development of crime over the life course (Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology), crime prevention interventions, and implementation science (Implementation Research and Practice). Recent research also demonstrates the effectiveness and/or ineffectiveness of some of the interventions described in the first edition, whilst new interventions in preventing crime have been developed, tested and demonstrated.   The aim of the proposed second edition is to ensure that the new textbook is up-to-date and relevant. The following changes will be implemented to reach this goal: Statistics and links to research and/or websites that have become obsolete, as well as examples to illustrate key concepts, will be updated Contents will be fully revised: chapters 2-4 will include new developments in criminological theory (e.g., self-control theory) and evaluation methods; findings about EBI (evidence-based interventions) impact and cost-effectiveness will be updated in Section III based on new evaluation research; new interventions will be added, and ratings of pre-existing interventions will be revised to reflect current evidence of effectiveness New content will be included in Sections III and IV in order to: Evaluate and/or correct discriminatory and harmful crime prevention practices and policies; Study the impact of existing and adapted EBIs across groups that vary according to race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and other factors; Increase the participation of community stakeholders in the evaluation, dissemination, and implementation of EBI Consider the impact of new restrictions and measures put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g., the shift from in-person to virtual educational, health, and social services)  
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