The world is currently experiencing changes in climate and environment that often lead to natural disasters. Nearly three million people worldwide may have been killed in the past 20 years by natural disasters. In total, 90% of the natural disasters and 95% of all disaster-related deaths occur in the developing countries. Recently such problems have accelerated due to LULC change, biodiversity degradation, increased tourism, urbanization and climate change. This book, consisting of 27 chapters, explores the topics of climate, environment and natural disasters in developing countries. It is essential to discuss these diverse issues in the field of geography as it encompasses interdisciplinary topics. The range of issues on national, regional and local dimensions is not only confined to geography but also concerned to other disciplines as well. Therefore, this book is a valuable source for scientists and researchers in allied fields such as climatology, disaster management, environmental science, hydrology, agriculture, and land use studies, among other areas. Furthermore, this book can be of immense help to the planners and decision-makers engaged in dealing with the problems of climate, environmental change and natural disasters in developing countries.
Challenges of Climate Resilient Livelihoods and an Inquiry of Mitigation Strategies in India.- Analysing LULC change on runoff and sediment yield in urbanizing agricultural watershed of monsoonal climate river basin in West Bengal, India.- Remote Sensing Based Analysis of Relationship between Urban Heat Island and Land Use/Cover Type in Bhubaneswar Metropolitan Area, India.- Statistical Downscaling method for Improving Global Model Rainfall forecasts of seasonal rainfall over West Bengal (WB), India.- Identification of Climate Change Vulnerable Zones in Bangladesh through Multivariate Geospatial Analysis.- Water Scarcity in Coastal Bangladesh: Search for Arsenic-safe Aquifer with Geostatistics.- Biodiversity Degradation of Southwestern Region in Saudi Arabia.- Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City.- Water Resource Development and Sustainable Initiatives of India: Present and Future.- Mapping and Reclamation of Wastelands in Drought-prone Purulia District of West Bengal, India using Remote Sensing and GIS.- Soil, water salinization and its impact on household food insecurity in the Indian Sundarbans.- Impact of Water Reservoir and Irrigation Canals on Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Upper Kumari River Basin, West Bengal, India.- Spatial pattern of Arsenic contamination in floodplain aquifers, western bank of Bhagirathi River, Lower Ganges Delta, West Bengal, India.- Spatial Pattern of Groundwater Depletion, Its Access and Adaptive Agricultural Strategies in Barddhaman District, West Bengal, India.- Detection of Land Use/Land Cover Changes of Irga Watershed in the North-Eastern Fringe of Choto Nagpur Plateau, Jharkhand, India.- An Analytical Study on Interplay between Physiographic Condition and Land Use Land Cover Dynamicity.- Assessment of Land use and Land cover change dynamics using remote sensing and GIS techniques in most effected parts of Rajpur-Sonarpur municipality.- Disaster Risk Reduction in the Changing Scenario.- Exploring the Impacts of River Morphology Change Associated Natural Disasters on Teesta Riparian Environment of Bangladesh.- An Assessment on Effects of Coastal Erosion on Coastal Environment: A Case Study in Coastal Belt between Kalu River mouth and Bologoda River mouth, Sri Lanka.- Vulnerability and Exposures to Landslides in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh: A Case Study of Rangamati Town for Building Resilience.- Hydrometeorological Analysis of the 2015 Rarh Bengal Flood in the Lower Gangetic Plain of India: Exceptional, Fast and Furious.- Application of Remotely Sensed Data for Estimation of Indices to Assess Spatiotemporal Aspects of Droughts in Bankura District of West Bengal, India.- Temporal variability of discharge and suspended sediment transport in the Subarnarekha River Basin, eastern India: A geomorphic perspective.- Assessment of Jiadhal River Basin using Sedimentary Petrology and Geospatial Approach.- An Assessment of RUSLE Model and Erosion Vulnerability in the Slopes of Dwarka – Brahmani Lateritic Interfluve, Eastern India.- Urban Flooding Scenario and Human Response in Guwahati, India.
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