Children are the future architects, clients and users of our buildings. The kinds of architectural worlds they are exposed to in picturebooks during their formative years may be assumed to influence how they regard such architecture as adults. Contemporary urban environments the world over represent the various stages of modernism in architecture. This book reads that history through picturebooks and considers the kinds of national identities and histories they construct.Twelve specialist essays from international scholars address questions such as: Is modern architecture used to construct specific narratives of childhood? Is it taken to support ‘negative’ narratives of alienation on the one hand and ‘positive’ narratives of happiness on the other? Do images of modern architecture support ideas of ‘community’? Reinforce ‘family values’? If so, what kinds of architecture, community and family? How is modern architecture placed vis-à-vis the promotion of diversity (ethnic, religious, gender etc.)? How might the use of architecture in comic strips or the presence of specific kinds of building in fiction aimed at younger adults be related to the groundwork laid in picturebooks for younger readers? This book reveals what stories are told about modern architecture and shows how those stories affect future attitudes towards and expectations of the built environment.
Torsten Schmiedeknecht, Jill Rudd, Emma Hayward
Part 1: Modernity
1.Building for the future: Children as future citizens in Swedish Picturebooks of the 1930s
Elina Druker
2. A Modern Utopia: Architecture, Modernity and Ladybird Books in postwar Britain
Torsten Schmiedeknecht and Jill Rudd
3. Reading as Building: Modernist Architecture and Book Space in Picturebooks
Honglan Huang
4. Representations of modern architecture and urbanism in Colombian children’s literature from the mid-20th century onwards
Carolina Rodriguez, Roberto London~o, Antonio Manrique
Part 2: Domestic Space
5. Domestic Architecture and Environmental Design in Australian Picture Books
John Stephens
6. The house, where everything begins
Christophe Meunier
7. Architecture and Interior Design in Italian Picturebooks: A case study of Bruno Munari
Marnie Campagnaro
8. Representations of architecture in children’s picture books in Australia, Singapore and China
Sabine Tan, Xinchao Zhai, Lyndon Way and Kay L. O’Halloran
9. Building Diversity in British and American Children’s Picturebooks (2000-present)
Emma Hayward
Part 3: Urban Space
10. Highly Modern Ideal Homestead
Lucie Glasheen
11. Architecture and Magic: Mapping the London of Children’s Fantasy Fiction
Madison McLeod
12. Ordinary cityscapes and architecture in Jörg Müller’s picturebook oeuvre
Jörg Meibauer
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