The CADIC’s Geological Resources Program will soon turn 40 years of fruitful development. During this period many projects were carried out and others remain to be implemented. In the course of time three generations of researchers have been formed. Mentioning names would be unfair to those that could be involuntarily omitted. There is still a long way to go. The eagerness for knowledge should not stop. This book is a tribute to all those people who have worked in the different projects of pure and applied science, and educational, and human resources training, granted to this founding program and associated laboratories of the regional center of CONICET in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. The twenty papers which constitute this book have a genuine Latin appeal, having been written by 50 authors based in Argentina and Spain. All this contributions are concerned with Fuegian geological resources. Everyone concerned with this work hopes that it will prove a fitting and lasting memorial to Nacho Subias, whose personal contribution to our knowledge of this geology was outstanding.
1 An introduction to the geology of Tierra del Fuego Luis Diaz Balocchi, Sebastian Jose Cao and Erika Lorena Bedoya Agudelo 2 Beatriz Mine: a Polymetallic Massive Occurrence in Tierra del Fuego Silvia Ametrano, Ricardo Etcheverry, Horacio Echeveste and Marta Godeas 3 A review of the Arroyo Rojo VMS deposit, Tierra del Fuego Constanza Lobo Powell and Ignacio Gomez Vereda 4 The Ornamental Rocks of Tierra del Fuego Estefania Picado 5 Aggregates in Tierra del Fuego: Morphogenesis and Distribution Juan Federico Ponce, Andrea Coronato, Diego Quiroga, Alejandro Montes, Luis Diaz Ballochi and Mariana Vargas 6 Didactic Tools in the Scope of Geography in the Provincia de Tierra del Fuego Francisco Labate 7 Teaching Earth Sciences in the Provincial Educational System Ernesto Saavedra 8 History of Gold in Tierra del Fuego David Nelson Federico Guevara 9 Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego and Isla de los Estados Peatlands Adolfina Savoretti, Juan Federico Ponce, Claudio Roig and Andrea Coronato 10 Lakes and Glaciers from Fuegian Andes. Morphology, Distribution and Origin Cristina N. San Martin, J. Federico Ponce and Andrea Coronato 11 Geophysical Methods Applied to the Study of Lakes and Paleolakes in Tierra del Fuego Claudia Prezzi, Maria J. Orgeira, Andrea Coronato, Maria R. Onorato, Diego R.A. Quiroga, Ramiro Lopez, Juan F. Ponce, Ignacio Magneres, Pablo A. Nunez Demarco, Laura P. Perucca and Pedro Palermo 12 Geological and Geographic Resources among Hunter/gatherers of Tierra del Fuego: a View from Archaeological and Ethnographic Data Karen Borazzo and Martin Vasquez 13 Geotourism / Interpretation / Ethnogeology: Extraordinary Geological Resources in Tierra del Fuego Gabriel Chicote Alvira 14 Key features and Geosite proposal to tell the story of the Argentinian Andes in the Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego Joan Poch, Joan Reche, Francisco Martinez, Merce Corbella and David Gomez 15 Differential Uplifting Rates Across the Magellan Fault: Interactions Between South American and Scotia Plates Gustavo Gabriel Bujalesky, Federico Isla and Alejandro Montes 16 Paleomagnetic and Magnetic Studies of Quaternary Units in Tierra del Fuego, the South Atlantic Islands and Southern Patagonia Maria Julia Orgeira, Guillermo Re, Claudia Gogorza and Ana Maria Sinito 17 Provenance of the Coastal Sands of the Western Scotia Plate: Tierra del Fuego and Antarctic Peninsula Federico Isla, Ximena Contardo, Jorge Spagnuolo and Gustavo Bujalesky 18 An overview on the Mineral Resources of the Argentine Antarctic Sector Claudio A. Parica and Marcela B. Remesal 19 Meteorites found in the Argentine Antarctic Sector Victor Manuel Garcia 20 Acidity and Alkalinity as Foundational Parameters in the Ordering of Eruptive Rocks and some Fuegian examples Rogelio Daniel Acevedo
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