This new book by Franck Laloe, co-author of the seminal Cohen-Tannoudji/Laloe/Diu quantum mechanics textbooks, unravels the mysteries of quantum mechanics by showing that the underlying equations naturally emerge from very general symmetry considerations without recourse to seemingly artificial and ambiguous quantization rules. Graduate students are familiarized with computational techniques based on rotation invariance, irreducible tensor operators, the Wigner-Eckart theorem, Lie groups etc. that are indispensable to master nuclear physics, quantum optics and advanced solid-state physics. Written in a didactically unrivalled manner, the textbook explains the fundamental concepts in ten chapters which are elaborated in accompanying complements that provide more detailed discussions and examples.
I Symmetry Transformations A Fundamental Symmetries B Symmetries in Classical Mechanics C Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics A_I Euler’s and Lagrange’s Views in Classical Mechanics 1 Euler’s Point of View 2 Lagrange’s Point of View II Notions on Group Theory A General Properties of Groups B Linear Representations of a Group A_II Residual Classes of a Subgroup; Quotient Group 1 Residual Classes on the Left 2 Quotient Group III Introduction to Continuous Groups and Lie Groups A General Properties B Examples C Galileo and Poincare Groups A_III Adjoint Representation, Killing Form, Casimir Operator 1 Representation Adjoint to the Lie Algebra 2 Killing Form; Scalar Product and Change of Basis in L 3 Totally Antisymmetric Structure Constants 4 Casimir Operator IV Representations Induced in the State Space A Conditions Imposed on Transformations in the State Space B Wigner’s Theorem C Transformations of Observables D Linear Representations in the State Space E Phase Factors and Projective Representations A_IV Finite-Dimensional Unitary Projective Representations of Related Lie Groups 1 Case Where G is Simply Connected 2 Case Where G is P-Connected B_IV Uhlhorn-Wigner Theorem 1 Real Space 2 Complex Space V Representations of the Galileo and Poincare Groups: Mass, Spin and Energy A Galileo Group B Poincare Group A_V Some Properties of the Operators S and W_2 1 Operator S 2 Eigenvalues of the Operator W_2 B_V Geometric Displacement Group 1 Reminders: Classical Properties of Displacements 2 Associated Operators in the State Space C_V Clean Lorentz Group 1 Link with the Group SL(2,C) 2 Small Group Associated with a Four-Vector 3 Operator W_2 D_V Space Reflections (Parity) 1 Action in Real Space 2 Associated Operator in the State Space 3 Retention of Parity VI Construction of State Spaces and Wave Equations A Galileo Group, Schrodinger Equation B Poincare Group, Klein-Gordon and Dirac Equations A_VI Lagrangians of Wave Equations 1 Lagrangian of a Field 2 Schrodinger’s Equation 3 Klein-Gordon Equation 4 Dirac’s Equation VII Irreducible Representations of the Group of Rotations, Spinors A Irreducible Unitary Representations of the Group of Rotations B Spin 1/2 Particles; Spinors C Composition of the Kinetic Moments A_VII Homorphism Between SU(2) and Rotation Matrices 1 Transformation of a Vector P Induced by an SU(2) Matrix 2 The Transformation is a Rotation 3 Homomorphism 4 Link to the Reasoning of Chapter VII 5 Link with Bivalent Representations VIII Transformation of Observables by Rotation A Vector Operators B Tensor Operators C Wigner-Eckart Theorem D Decomposition of the Density Matrix on Tensor Operators A_VIII Basic Reminders on Classical Tensors 1 Vectors 2 Tensors 3 Properties 4 Tensoriality Criterion 5 Symmetric and Antisymmetric Tensors 6 Special Tensors 7 Irreducible Tensors B_VIII Second Order Tensor Operators 1 Tensor Product of Two Vector Operators 2 Cartesian Components of the Tensor in the General Case C_VIII Multipolar Moments 1 Electrical Multipole Moments 2 Magnetic Multipole Moments 3 Multipole Moments of a Quantum System for a Given Kinetic Moment Multiplicity J IX Groups SU(2) and SU(3) A System of Discernible but Equivalent Particles B SU(2) Group and Isospin Symmetry C Symmetry SU(3) A_IX the Nature of a Particle Is Equivalent to an Internal Quantum Number 1 Partial or Total Antisymmetrization of a State Vector 2 Correspondence Between the States of Two Physical Systems 3 Physical Consequences B_IX Operators Changing the Symmetry of a State Vector by Permutation 1 Fermions 2 Bosons X Symmetry Breaking A Magnetism, Breaking of the Rotation Symmetry B Some Other Examples APPENDIX I The Reversal of Time 1 Time Reversal in Classical Mechanics 2 Antilinear and Antiunitary Operators in Quantum Mechanics 3 Time Reversal and Antilinearity 4 Explicit Form of the Time Reversal Operator 5 Applications
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