This book argues that renewable electrification in developing countries provides important opportunities for local economic development, but new pathways are required for turning these opportunities into successful reality. Building Innovation Capabilities for Sustainable Industrialisation offers a novel input into the debate on development of capabilities for sustainable industrialisation and delivers key insights for both researchers and policy makers when it comes to the question of how to increase the economic co-benefits of renewables expansion. The chapters in the book use a tailored analytical framework in their studies of renewable electrification efforts in Kenya and other countries in sub-Saharan Africa. They draw on a mix of project, sector and country level case studies to address questions such as: What capabilities are developed through on-going renewable electrification projects in developing economies? How can the expansion of renewable electrification be supported in a way that also encourages sustainable economic development? What role do international linkages (South-South and North-South) play and what role should they play in the greening of energy systems in developing economies? The authors provide a new understanding of how green transformation and sustainable industrialisation can be combined, highlighting the opportunities and constraints for local capability building and the scope for local policy action. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of development studies, energy studies, sustainability and sustainable development, as well as practitioners and policy makers working in development organisations and national governments.
Chapter 1: Renewable electrification and sustainable industrialisation, Rebecca Hanlin, Margrethe Holm Andersen, Rasmus Lema and Charles Nzila Chapter 2: Renewable Electrification and Sustainable Industrialisation: towards a Conceptual Framework, Margrethe Holm Andersen and Rasmus Lema Chapter 3: Challenges and opportunities for the expansion of renewable electrification in Kenya, Mbeo Ogeya, Philip Osano, Ann Kingiri and Josephat Okemwa1 Chapter 4: Centralised and decentralised deployment models: Is small beautiful?, Ulrich E. Hansen, Cecilia Gregersen, Faith H. Wandera, Nina Kotschenreuther and Rebecca Hanlin1 Chapter 5: Understanding the diffusion of small wind turbines in kenya: a technological innovation systems approach, Faith H. Wandera Chapter 6: Are the capabilities for renewable electrification in place? A Kenyan firm-level survey, Charles Nzila and Michael Korir1 Chapter 7: Interactive learning and capability-building in critical projects, Rebecca Hanlin and Josephat Okemwa1 Chapter 8: Interactive learning spaces: Insights from two wind power megaprojects, Cecilia Gregersen and Birgitte Gregersen1 Chapter 9: Building foundational capabilities in Kenyan and Tanzanian off-grid solar PV firms, Joni Karjalainen and Rob Byrne1 Chapter 10: Chinese green energy projects in sub-Saharan Africa: Are there co-benefits?, Padmasai Lakshmi Bhamidipati, Cecilia Gregersen, Ulrich Elmer Hansen, Julian Kirchherr and Rasmus Lema Chapter 11: Capability development and local content issues in renewable electrification in Kenya: policy process and stakeholder perspectives, Ann Kingiri and Josephat Okemwa1 Chapter 12: Renewable electrification pathways and sustainable industrialisation: lessons learned and their implications, Rasmus Lema, Margrethe Andersen, Rebecca Hanlin and Charles Nzila
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