Rethinking Education in Light of Global Challenges discusses challenges to education in Scandinavian welfare states due to global trends like migration, neoliberal strategies, and the exploitation of nature. This anthology comprises case studies, theoretical articles, and reflective studies, grouped under the headings of Culture, Society, and the Anthropocene. This book directly addresses three interrelated global events and their implications for education as seen from Scandinavian perspectives: migration flows, increased cultural diversity, and (post)nationalism; the erosion of the welfare state and the global rise of neoliberalism; and the Anthropocene and environmental challenges arising in the wake of the global exploitation of natural ecosystems. In case studies, theoretical articles, and reflective studies, researchers from Nordic countries explore how education, education policy, and educational thinking in these countries are affected by these global trends, bringing to the fore the different roles education can play in addressing the various issues and different ways of reimagining education.This authoritative volume will be of great interest to researchers, academics, and students in the fields of sociology of education, migration and education, environmental education, and educational politics.
Karen Bjerg Petersen, Kerstin von Brömssen, Gro Hellesdatter Jacobsen, Jesper Garsdal, Michael Paulsen and Oleg Koefoed
1. Multicultural Education, Learnification, and Bildung in a Nordic Perspective
Gro Hellesdatter Jacobsen
2. Educating for Diversity: A Balancing Act
Tine Brøndum
3. Bridges or Breaches? A Case Study on the Experiences of Inclusion of Bilingual Teachers
Frédérique Brossard Børhaug and Ingrid Helleve
4. "A Blind Spot": Reproduction of Racism in Educational Landscapes
Kerstin von Brömssen, Helena Korp, Karin Flensner and Signild Risenfors
5. Students’ Dialogical Formation in an International Programme within Kindergarten Teacher Education
Ruth Ingrid Skoglund, Aihua Hu and Åsta Birkeland
6. Transcending the National Sense of Place and Belonging? Place-Identity Politics in Transnational Higher Education
Jin Hui Li
7. The Purpose of Education and the Future of Bildung
Hanne Riese and Line Hilt
8. Bildung Versus the Entrepreneurial Self: Pedagogical Strategies Towards a Bildungorientated Pedagogy
David Kergel
9. Critical Thinking and Bildung
Tomas Stølen
10. Thresholds of Dialogue in an Age of Rage and Resentment
Torgeir Skorgen
11. Bildung and No-Self
Oddbjørn Ørbech Jensen
12. Global Citizenship Education, Internationalisation and Global Concerns: Reflections from Denmark
Karen Bjerg Petersen
13. Bildung as Related to Free Play, Economics and Social Sculpture
Jesper Garsdal
14. Amor
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