This book brings together the most recent and the most comprehensive collection of articles on a population at risk: the children of immigrants in the United States, especially those children whose parents came to the country without legal authorization. The end of compassion and the shift to temporary migration to source the labour needs of the American economy have brought in their wake a series of consequences, some of which were predictable and others unexpected. The chapters fully document the nature and implications of the enforcement initiatives implemented by the American government in recent years and their interaction with state policies and local contexts of reception. This collection provides an exhaustive testimony of the severe conditions faced by unauthorized migrant families and their children today and their repercussions in both countries of origin and those where they currently live. The End of Compassion will be of interest to researchers and academics studying migration in the United States and ethnic and racial studies, and to advanced students of sociology, public policy, law and political science. This book was originally published as a special issue of the journal Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Introduction: Bifurcated immigration and the end of compassion
Alejandro Portes
1. Creating the exclusionist society: from the War on Poverty to the war on immigrants
Douglas S. Massey
2. The students we share: falling through the cracks on both sides of the US-Mexico border
Patricia Gándara
3. DACAmented in the age of deportation: navigating spaces of belonging and vulnerability in social and personal lives
Roberto G. Gonzales, Kristina Brant and Benjamin Roth
4. An imperfect realignment: the movement of children of immigrants and their families from the United States to Mexico
Rubén Hernández-León, Víctor Zúñiga and Sarah M. Lakhani
5. Hope turned sour: second-generation incorporation and mobility in U.S. new immigrant destinations
Helen B. Marrow
6. Integrating Hispanic immigrant youth: perspectives from white and black Americans in emerging Hispanic communities and schools
Krista M. Perreira, Stephanie Potochnick and M. Priscilla Brietzke
7. The value of reproduction: multiple livelihoods, cultural labor, and immigrants in Iowa and North Carolina
David Griffith
8. Infrastructures of repression and resistance: how Tennesseans respond to the immigration enforcement regime
Meghan Conley and Jon Shefner
9. The integration paradox: contrasting patterns in adaptation among immigrant children in Central New Jersey
Patricia Fernández-Kelly
10. Coming of age before the great expulsion: the story of the CILS-San Diego sample 25 years later
Cynthia Feliciano and Rubén G. Rumbaut
11. The changing U.S. Latinx immigrant population: demographic trends with implications for employment, schooling, and population Integration
Richard Durán
12. The model minority stereotype and the national i
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