For years the legendary John Seigenthaler hosted A Word on Words on Nashville’s public television station, WNPT. During the show’s four-decade run (1972 to 2013), he interviewed some of the most interesting and most important writers of our time. These in-depth exchanges revealed much about the writers who appeared on his show and gave a glimpse into their creative processes. Seigenthaler was a deeply engaged reader and a generous interviewer, a true craftsman. Frye Gaillard and Pat Toomay have collected and transcribed some of the iconic interactions from the show. Featuring interviews with: Arna Bontemps • Marshall Chapman • Pat Conroy • Rodney Crowell • John Egerton • Jesse Hill Ford • Charles Fountain • William Price Fox • Kinky Friedman • Frye Gaillard • Nikki Giovanni • Doris Kearns Goodwin • David Halberstam • Waylon Jennings • John Lewis • David Maraniss • William Marshall • Jon Meacham • Ann Patchett • Alice Randall • Dori Sanders • John Seigenthaler Sr. • Marty Stuart • Pat Toomay (来源*.co.uk)
Introduction to the Collection Frye Gaillard Civil Rights Introduction 1. Arna Bontemps: Frederick Douglas. Great Slave Narratives. 2. John Egerton: Speak Now Against the Day. 3. John Lewis: Walking Against the Wind. 4. David Halberstam: The Children. 5. Frye Gaillard: Cradle of Freedom. Literature Introduction 1. Jesse Hill Ford: The Liberation of Lord Byron Jones. 2. Pat Conroy: The Death of Santini. 3. Ann Patchett: The Patron Saint of Liars. 4. Dori Sanders: Clover. 5. Alice Randall: Wind Done Gone. 6. Nikki Giovanni: Chasing Utopia. Music Introduction 1. Marshall Chapman: Goodbye, Little Rock n’ Roller. 2. Marty Stuart: Country Music: The Masters. 3. Rodney Crowell: Chinaberry Sidewalks. 4. Waylon Jennings: Waylon: An Autobiography. 5. Kinky Friedman: Love Song of J. Edgar Hoover. Sports Introduction 1. Charles Fountain: The Life and Times of Grantland Rice. 2. William Marshall: Baseball’s Pivotal Era, 1945-1951. 3. William Price Fox: Satchel Paige’s America. 4. Pat Toomay: On Any Given Sunday. The Presidency Introduction 1. Jon Meacham. Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power. 2. Doris Kearns Goodwin: Team of Rivals and The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys. 3. David Maraniss: Barack Obama: The Story. 4. John Seigenthaler Sr. interviewed by son John Michael Seigenthaler: James K. Polk. Closing/Epilogue Andrew Maraniss, son of David: Strong Inside: Perry Wallace and the Collision of Race and Sports in the South. Singled Out: The Story of Glenn Burke
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