Bringing together narratives and theory-based analyses of practice, this volume illustrates collaborative curricular and co-curricular approaches to promoting vocational discernment amongst students in a Catholic university setting.Drawing on cultural, religious, and secular understandings of vocation, Engaging with Vocation on Campus illustrates how contemporary issues around vocation, work, and careers can be addressed within the Catholic intellectual and spiritual tradition. Chapters presents a range of contributions from students, faculty, and staff from a single institution to highlight practical approaches to supporting students in this area, and acknowledge the complementary and intersecting roles played by student support services, academic staff, and on-campus ministry in helping students develop an individualised understanding of vocation. Considering the value of both curricular or non-curricular activities and processes, the volume highlights spiritual, personal, and community value in offering students explicit and tailored support. This text will benefit researchers, academics, and educators with an interest in higher education, religious education, and the Christian life and experience more broadly. Those specifically interested in career guidance, theological curriculum and pedagogy, and Roman Catholicism will also benefit from this book.
1: Introduction: An Institution-Wide Commitment to Vocation in the Catholic Intellectual TraditionStephen Wilhoit and Karen Lovett
Part 1: Transdisciplinary, Purpose-Based, and Community-Engaged Approaches to Vocation
2: A Transdisciplinary Journey of Vocational Reflection through Immersion ProgramsKelly Bohrer, Maria Ollier Burkett, Mary Niebler, Castel Sweet, and Matthew A. Witenstein
3: From Reflection to Action: Exploring Vocation through Life DesignAdrienne Ausdenmoore
4: Developing Vocational Wisdom Conducting Group History Projects: Learning the Personal Rewards and Social Benefits of Producing HistoryJames Todd Uhlman
Part 2: Discovering the Call to Learn, Lead, and Serve through Experiential Learning
5: Helping Students Who Enter College with a Desire to Serve Discern Vocation: A Criminal Justice Studies ExampleMartha H. Hurley and Stacey Siekman-Hall
6: Let us Sing to the Lord: Vocational Formation through the Undergraduate Music Minister Program Scott T. Paeplow
Part 3: Educators Exploring their Own Callings and Building Supportive Environments for Vocation
7: The Teaching Gig: Journeys in Faith Traditions, Popular Fictions, and the Vocation of LearningElizabeth Ann Mackay
8: Vocation: Listening, Discerning, and LivingElizabeth Pipoly Montgomery
9: Creating a Culture for Lifelong Vocational Discernment Jennifer Dalton and Corinne M. Daprano
Part 4: Dialogue, Community-Building, and the Role of Peer Leaders in Vocation Education
10: Implementing Vocation Education through Peer Facilitation in a Residential CurriculumDerek Goeglin, Keri L. Good, and Olivia Keithley
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