This book introduces and defines the burgeoning concepts of transculturalism and essentialism and how they relate to one another, as articulated with reference to the work of Jørn Utzon. It introduces critical contemporary perspectives of the design thinking and career of this renowned Danish architect, internationally recognised for his competition-winning, iconic design for the Sydney Opera House – an outstanding exemplar of transcultural essentialism in architecture. Transcultural essentialism is analysed through the lens of critical regionalism and architectural phenomenology, with emphasis on the sense of place and tectonics in Utzon’s architectural works. It provides a new understanding of the Danish architect as an early proponent of a still emergent and increasingly relevant direction in architecture. Going beyond biographical studies, it presents a more comprehensive understanding of the broad range of transcultural influences that formed his thinking. The volume includes numerous previously unpublished photographs, drawings, and interviews with Utzon’s family members, former students, and colleagues, offering a significant contribution to the existing body of knowledge for any architecture scholar interested in Utzon’s work and design principles. The book also comprises a Foreword by eminent architecture theorist Juhani Pallasmaa in which he provides insights into the wider architectural and cultural context of Utzon’s worldview.
List of figures
Chapter 1: Introduction
Understanding transcultural essentialism
Early modernism, the international style and "the other tradition" of modern architecture
Jørn Utzon: architect of the third generation and beyond
Poetics and phenomenology of architecture
The role of critical regionalism, tectonic culture, and transcultural architecture
Chapter 2: Craft tradition and embodied knowledge
A desire for experiential understanding
Craft practice, making, and mastery
Parallels to boatbuilding in form and technique
Sailing, nature, and the mind of the hunter
Drawing and the eye of the artist
Becoming an architect
The nature of architecture
Chapter 3: The experience, inspiration of and work within other cultures
Origins in the Nordic realm
Early formative travels in Europe and Beyond
Learning from Asia-Pacific
The unfilled dream of Australia
A profound affinity to the Arab world
A Mediterranean homecoming
Chapter 4: Thematic analysis
Learning from global vernacular
A cross-cultural sense of dwelling
Universal themes of courtyards, podiums, and floating roofs
Poetic transcultural synthesis
Essentialist tectonic integrity and innovation
Abstraction and the essential
A return to the cave
Transcultural poetics of site, materiality, and light
The essential beauty of nature and the beautiful idea
An essentially organic architecture
The transcultural essentialism of Utzon’s visions for an additive architecture
Poetic metaphor and the arche of architectural design
Tectonic analogy and the techne of constructi
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