This book presents the analyses, technical interpretation and socio-economic contextualisation of the production remains of zinc distillation from three Ming sites in Fengdu and one Qing site in Shizhu, Chongqing, southwest China. Zinc ore, zinc metal, retorts and slag from these sites were analysed by OM, SEM-EDS, EPMA-WDS and XRD. Following on from a detailed technological reconstruction, some differences were found between the zinc distillation technologies in Fengdu and Shizhu, not only in technical efficiency but also in the organisation of production, which can be explained as adaptation of the zinc production for coinage to the different social, political and economic constraints affecting each group of sites. This book then contextualises and discusses the significance of Chinese zinc production with reference to coinage in Ming and Qing China, but also by comparing it to other brass- and zinc-making technologies in China, India and Europe, and by assessing the influence of Chinese zinc in the international maritime trade.
Lists of FiguresLists of TablesAbbreviationsAbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 A brief history of the metallurgy of zinc and brass1.2 Problems and research gaps in the study of Chinese zinc distillation technology1.3 Research aims and objectives1.4 Structure of the researchChapter 2 Historical and Technological Background to Zinc Production in China2.1 The history of brass and zinc in China2.1.1 Accidental brass2.1.2 Imported brass2.1.3 Cementation brass2.1.4 Speltering brass2.2 The uses of brass and zinc in Ming and Qing China2.2.1 Brass coins2.2.2 Brass artefacts2.2.3 Paktong2.2.4 Exports2.3 Traditional zinc smelting in modern China2.4 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework and Methodology3.1 Theoretical framework3.1.1 Technology, the chaîne opératore, technological choice/style and organisation of production3.1.2 Historical texts3.1.3 Ethnoarchaeology3.2 Methodology3.2.1 Sample selection3.2.2 Optical Microscopy (OM)3.2.3 Scanning Electron Microscopy - Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (SEM-EDS)3.2.4 Electron Probe Micro-analyser - Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometry (EPMA-WDS)3.2.5 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)3.2.6 Refiring experimentsChapter 4 Analyses of Zinc Smelting Remains in Fengdu4.1 Zinc smelting sites in Fengdu4.1.1 Three Gorges Archaeology4.1.2 Zinc smelting sites4.2 Miaobeihou (YM)4.2.1 Site description4.2.2 Results4.2.2.1 Minerals4.2.2.2 Coal4.2.2.3 Zinc4.2.2.4 Retorts4.2.2.5 Slag4.2.2.6 Zinc-rich crusts4.2.3 Discussion4.2.3.1 Retort design4.2.3.2 The charge4.2.3.3 Conditions of reduction and condensation4.3 Puzihe (YP) and Muxiexi (CM)4.3.1 Site description4.3.2 Results4.3.2.1 Retorts4.3.2.2 Slag4.3.3 Discussion4.4 Zinc production in Fengdu4.4.1 Zinc distillation technology in Fengdu and Tian Gong Kai Wu4.4.2 Organisation of production4.4.3 Scale of productionChapter 5 Analyses of Zinc Smelting Remains in Shizhu5.1 Zinc mines and smelting sites in Shizhu5.1.1 Geology5.1.2 Historical records5.1.3 Field surveys5.2 Yushi Cave (Y)5.2.1 Site description5.2.2 Results: minerals5.3 Dafengmen (SD)5.3.1 Site description5.3.2 Results5.3.2.1 Retorts5.3.2.2 Slag5.4 Discussion5.4.1 Retort design5.4.2 The charge5.4.3 Final remarksChapter 6 Zinc Production in Chongqing and Beyond6.1 Zinc smelting sites in Fengdu and Shizhu: a comparison6.1.1 Technical aspects6.1.2 Choice of location6.1.3 Explaining the differences between the two groups of sites6.2 The technological tradition of Chinese zinc distillation6.2.1 The procurement of oxidic zinc ores6.2.2 The use of coal as fuel and reducing agents6.2.3 Retorts for zinc distillation6.2.4 Rectangular furnaces6.3 Zinc distillation in India and China6.4 SummaryChapter 7 The Significance of Zinc Production in Ming and Qing China7.1 Chinese zinc at home7.1.1 Two brass making processes: cementation vs. speltering7.1.2 Advantages of speltering process over cementation process7.1.3 The role of zinc in coinage7.2 Chinese zinc in the world7.2.1 Chinese zinc in India7.2.2 Chinese zinc in EuropeChapter 8 Conclusions and Future Work8.1 Zinc smelting in Chongqing and beyond8.2 Zinc distillation, crucible smelting and technical ceramics8.3 On the origins of zinc distillation in China8.4 History, archaeology, science and ethnographyReferencesAppendix 1 Chinese DynastiesAppendix 2 Notes on Weights and MeasuresAppendix 3 Formulae of Minerals and PhasesAppendix 4 Historical Records about Mining and Smelting in Fengdu and Shizhu4.1 Ming Shi (History of the Ming Dynasty) [1739]4.2 Local Gazetteer of Shizhu [1775]4.3 Revised Local Gazetteer of Shizhu [1843]4.4 Revised Local Gazetteer of Fengdu [1927]
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