This book explores the everyday ways in which time marks the experience of education as well as the concerns and methods of education and youth research. It asks: what do we notice afresh and what comes into sharper view when temporality becomes a focal point? What theories and ways of seeing offer new angles onto temporality in interaction with space and place? In responding to these questions, the book engages with approaches from sociology, history, and cultural and policy studies. It brings critical attention to the movement and layers of time in the memories, aspirations and orientations of educational actors – across lives, generations and diverse places. Informed by the politics of local/global relations and new transnational formations, the chapters feature case studies located in Australia, the UK, India, South Africa, the Philippines and Finland. Topics examined include processes of social and educational differentiation in disruptive times, affective practices, intergenerational dynamics, collective memory, archiving, mobilities and migration, school spaces and difficult histories. The authors grapple with what is involved methodologically in interrogating the times and places of education – including the construction of educational ideas, problems and policy solutions – and in historicising the time and places from which we research, write and work.
1. Looking Beyond Local/Global Binaries: Young People and Educational Experience Across Space, Time and Place, Kate O’Connor and Julie McLeod 2. Making Memories and Futures: Methods for Researching Temporality and Place in a Longitudinal and Intergenerational Study of Secondary School Students, Julie McLeod and Kate O’Connor 3. Putting Place Back into the Patriarchy Through Rematriating Feminist Research: The WRAP Project, Feminist Webs and Reanimating Data, Niamh Moore, Rachel Thomson and Ester McGeeney 4. Trans-itioning Lives, Trans-forming Places: Rethinking Methodological Approaches to Studying Trans-itions Through Schooling to Work in a De-/Re-industrialising City, Eve Mayes, Julianne Moss, Shaun Rawolle, Louise Paatsch and Merinda Kelly 5. Young MK Freedom Fighters and Colonial Childhoods in an Apartheid Past: Memory, Urban Frontier Spaces and Power, Jo-Anne Dillabough 6. The Palimpsest and Heterotopia: Reading Traces at Melbourne’s Immigration Museum, Amy McKernan 7. An Exalted Past but What Future? An Elite School Grapples with India’s Right to Education Act 2009, Diana Langmead 8. Colonial Imaginaries and Psy-Expertise on Migrant and Refugee Mental Health in Education, Tuuli Kurki and Kristiina Brunila 9. Territories of Schooling: The Right to Education and the Politics of Educational Change in India, Ajita Mattoo 10: Producing ‘New’ Locality: Young People’s Placemaking in the Northern Philippines, Elizer Jay de los Reyes 11. Journeys across Place and Time: Using Timescapes to Think About Young People’s Experiences of Global Mobility, Jo Higginson
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