Experienced Guidance on the Technical Issues of Decommissioning Projects
Written by one of the original MARSSIM authors, Decommissioning Health Physics: A Handbook for MARSSIM Users, Second Edition is the only book to incorporate all of the requisite technical aspects of planning and executing radiological surveys in support of decommissioning. Extensively revised and updated, it covers survey instrumentation, detection sensitivity, statistics, dose modeling, survey procedures, and release criteria.New to the Second Edition
- Chapter on hot spot assessment that recognizes appropriate dosimetric significance of hot spots when designing surveys and includes a new approach for establishing hot spot limits
- Chapter on the clearance or release of materials, highlighting aspects of the MARSAME manual
- Revised chapter on characterization survey design to reflect guidance in ANSI N13.59 on the value of data quality objectives (DQOs)
- Updated regulations and guidance documents throughout
- Updated survey instrumentation used to support decontamination and decommissioning (D