Thousands of secondary metabolites are produced by plants to withstand unfavourable environmental conditions and are important molecules for nutraceutical, agro, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, etc. Harvesting of plants for the extraction of these important metabolites can threaten the plant germplasm, and various medicinally important plants are at the verge of extinction. Based on need, various methods and strategies were developed and followed by researchers from time to time to save the plant germplasm and produce important secondary metabolites efficiently to meet their growing demands.Biotechnological Approaches to Enhance Plant Secondary Metabolites: Recent Trends and Future Prospects provides a comprehensive introduction and review of state-of-the-art biotechnological tools in this field of research at global level. The methodologies are highlighted by real data examples in both in vitro and in vivo level studies.The book:• Highlights and provides overviews of the synthesis, classification, biological function and medicinal applications of the recent advancements for the enhanced production of novel secondary metabolites in plants• Provides an overview of the role of induced mutation, salinity stress and brassinosteroids impact to increase the secondary metabolic contents in plants and suggests an increase in enzymatic activity in plants could be due to various point mutations, which in turn could play a role at transcriptome levels• Discusses the significant role of endophytes to enhance the contents of plant secondary metabolites• Alternatively, suggests the urgent need to set up the standard operating procedures using hydroponics system of cultivation for significant enhancement of secondary metabolite contents• Enlists various in vitro techniques to enhance plant secondary metabolites contents using plant tissue
Chapter 1 Plant Secondary Metabolites-The Key Drivers of Plant’s Defence Mechanisms: A General Introduction D. Sruthi and C. Jayabaskaran Chapter 2 Generation of Plant Mutant Lines Using Gamma Radiation with Enhanced Secondary Metabolite Contents Lata I. Shukla, P. Vivek Vardhan, T. K. Devika, Sayan Roy and Sourav Bhatacharya Chapter 3 Salinity Stress and Plant Secondary Metabolite Enhancement: An Overview Bedabrata Saha, Bhaben Chowardhara, Jay Prakash Awasthi, Sanjib Kumar Panda and Kishore C.S. Panigrahi Chapter 4 Enhancement of Plant Secondary Metabolites Using Fungal Endophytes Touseef Hussain, Mulla Javed, Samrin Shaikh, Bilquees Tabasum, Kashif Hussain, Moh Sajid Ansari, Amir Khan and Abrar Ahmad Khan Chapter 5 Hydroponic Cultivation Approaches to Enhance the Contents of the Secondary Metabolites in Plants Yogesh Chandrakant Suryawanshi Chapter 6 Tissue Culture Approaches to Enhance Plant Secondary Metabolites Production Vishal N. Patil and Mohd. Shahnawaz Chapter 7 Hairy Roots and Plant Secondary Metabolites Production: An Update Sharada L. Deore, Bhushan A. Baviskar and Anjali A. Kide Chapter 8 Brassinosteroids: The Phytohormones with Potential to Enhance the Secondary Metabolite Production in Plants Barket Ali, Zahoor A. Wani and Mudasir Irfan Dar Chapter 9 CRISPR-Cas9 Approaches to Enhance Contents of Plant Secondary Metabolites Riddhi Rajyaguru, Nataraja Maheshala, Chandrashekar Mootapally, Neelam Nathani, Rukamsingh Tomar, Hiren Bhalani and Priyanka Sharma Chapter 10 RNA Interference for Improvement of Secondary Metabolite Production in Plants Ashutosh Kumar Rai and Pramod Wasudeo Ramteke
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