This Open Access book’s main focus is agriculture and natural resource management, disaster risk reduction, and human resource development in the countries of East and Southeast Asia and Japan.Asia is one of the regions which is the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. More than sixty percent of the world’s people live in the region, making it the growth center of the world. Asia is vast and includes various countries and regions, this book is focused on East and Southeast Asia including Japan. It is essential to share the knowledge and experiences for adapting climate change among these areas.In order to tackle these issues, the book aims to:
Promote inter-local lessons learnt sharing climate change adaptations; ’agriculture and natural resource management’ and ’disaster risk reduction and human resource development’Provides insights into new adaptation measures and research approaches that can consider the regional nature of Southeast AsiaShare practical adaptation options permeated by society in each country/region
This book will be of interest to researchers and students examining climate change impacts in East and Southeast Asia.
1. Climate Change Risk and Adaptation (Makoto Tamura).- Part 1. Agriculture and Natural Resource Management.- 2. Participatory Climate Change Adaptation Using Watershed Approach: Processes and Lessons from the Philippines (Juan M. Pulhin, Maricel A. Tapia-Villamayor, Josephine E. Garcia, Catherine C. De Luna, Rex Victor O. Cruz, Florencia B. Pulhin, and Mark Anthony M. Ramirez).- 3. Climate Change Adaptation Practices Towards Sustainable Watershed Management: The case of Abuan Watershed in Ilagan City, Philippines (Orlando F. Balderama).- 4. Economic Evaluation and Climate Change Adaptation Measures for Rice Production in Vietnam using a Supply and Demand Model: Special Emphasis on the Mekong River Delta region in Vietnam (Yuki Ishikawa-Ishiwata and Jun Furuya).- 5. Small Coastal Island Ecosystems and Conservation Perspectives within Adaptation Efforts (Dietriech Geoffrey Bengen).- Part 2. Disater Risk Reduction and Human Resource Development.- 6. Geotechnical Approaches to Disaster risk Reduction in Japan and Vietnam (Kazuya Yasuhara and Satoshi Murakami).- 7. Climate Change Adaptation in Fisheries Livelihoods Associated with Mangrove Forests in Xuan Thuy National Park, Vietnam: A case study in Giao An Commune, Giao Thuy District, Nam Dinh Province (Thu Nguyen Hoai).- 8. Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction Education in Japan (Aiko Sakurai and Tetsuji Ito).- 9. The Practice of Education for Disaster Risk Mitigation in Vietnam: Lessons Learned from a Decade of Implementation 2010-2020 (Tong Thi My Thi , Nguyen Thi Hong Duong1, Nguyen The Hung , Tae Yoon Park).- Part 3. Conclusion.- 10. Sharing Interlocal Adaptation Lessons (Makoto Tamura , Tetsuji Ito).- Column 1. Southeast Asia Research-based Network on Climate Change Adaptation Science (SARNCCAR) (Tetsuji Ito and Akihiko Kotera).- Column 2. Variations of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants in Hanoi, Vietnam (Tung Duy Do and Kazuyuki Kita).- Column 3. Mixing Grey and Green Infrastructures for Coastal Adaptation in Vietnam (Makoto Tamura and Oanh Thi Pham).- Column 4. The Effect of Climate Change and Natural Disasters on Mangrove Forests in Xuan Thuy National Park: Proposed Adaptation Solutions for Mangrove forests (Quang Van Nguyen).- Column 5. Climate Change and Crop Management in Indonesia (Eri Matsuura and Nobuo Sakagami).- Column 6. Stakeholder Perception and Empirical Evidence: Oil Palm Biomass Utilization as Climate-Smart Smallholder Practice (Sachnaz Desta Oktarina , Ratnawati Nurkhoiry, Rizki Amalia, Zulfi Prima Sani Nasution).- Column 7. Water resource assessment and management in Phuket, Thailand (Sukanya Vongtanaboon).- Column 8. Analysis on Measures for Preventing the Desertification in Inner Mongolia in China (Yulu Ma).- Column 9. The Power of Dialogical Tools in in Participatory Learning.
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