Restoration of Ecosystems – Bridging Nature and Humans



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In this interdisciplinary specialist book, which bridges the gap between the natural and social sciences, both the scientific principles of renaturation ecology and practical aspects of ecosystem renaturation are comprehensively presented. The diversity of land use types with a focus on Central Europe is highlighted and case studies of practical renaturation projects are presented. The textbook offers both students who deal with the environment, scientists and practitioners a profound and up-to-date, but also critical overview of the state of knowledge. This book opens up the broad spectrum of degraded ecosystems of Central European natural and cultural landscapes. In further chapters, marine ecosystems and their renaturation as well as development potentials as well as the limits of renaturation are discussed in more detail. The ecological fundamentals are expanded through an interdisciplinary perspective taking into account environmental ethics, sociology, anthropology and economics. In addition to an up-to-date overview of the various areas and fields of activity in renaturation ecology and ecosystem renaturation, the textbook provides a valuable basis for studies, science and practice. The students also receive assistance in searching for literature and critical fact analysis, and the lecturers on teaching forms and interdisciplinary approaches to discussion in renaturation ecology. The ecological fundamentals are expanded through an interdisciplinary perspective taking into account environmental ethics, sociology, anthropology and economics. In addition to an up-to-date overview of the various areas and fields of activity in renaturation ecology and ecosystem renaturation, the textbook provides a valuable basis for studies, science and practice. The students also receive assistance in searching for literature and critical fact analysis, and the lecturers on teaching forms and interdisciplinary approaches to discussion in renaturation ecology. The ecological fundamentals are expanded through an interdisciplinary perspective taking into account environmental ethics, sociology, anthropology and economics. In addition to an up-to-date overview of the various areas and fields of activity in renaturation ecology and ecosystem renaturation, the textbook provides a valuable basis for studies, science and practice. The students also receive assistance in searching for literature and critical fact analysis, and the lecturers on teaching forms and interdisciplinary approaches to discussion in renaturation ecology. In addition to an up-to-date overview of the various areas and fields of activity in renaturation ecology and ecosystem renaturation, the textbook provides a valuable basis for studies, science and practice. The students also receive assistance in searching for literature and critical fact analysis, and the lecturers on teaching forms and interdisciplinary approaches to discussion in renaturation ecology. In addition to an up-to-date overview of the various areas and fields of activity in renaturation ecology and ecosystem renaturation, the textbook provides a valuable basis for studies, science and practice. The students also receive assistance in searching for literature and critical fact analysis, and the lecturers on teaching forms and interdisciplinary approaches to discussion in renaturation ecology.This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition Renaturierung von Ökosystemen im Spannungsfeld von Mensch und Umwelt by Stefan Zerbe, , published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2019. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a
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