Sustainable Agriculture in Egypt



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This book consists of 10 Chapters in 4 Parts. The first Part is an introduction and contains Chapter 1 to introduce the book chapters to the audiences. The second Part consists of two chapters under the name, Impact of Climate Change on Crop Production and the Physiological and Biochemical Basis for Crops Tolerance. The Chapter 2 focus on critical periods of crop plants to stress conditions and the expected impacts of climate changes mainly on the productivity and quality of field crops. While, Chapter 3 highlights the foundations of crop tolerance to environmental stress and plant traits relevant to stress tolerance. It is devoted to explain and discuss mechanisms of adaptation to environmental stress conditions and addresses various plant traits related to stress environmental tolerance i.e. phenological, morpho-physiological and biochemical traits which could be used as selection criteria for crops improvement. The third Part consists of 5 Chapters under the theme “Improve Crop Adaptability and Stability to Climate Change and Modern Technology’. Chapter 4 highlights the most important strategic food grain crop (wheat), Chapter 5 focuses the important staple food crop (rice), while Chapter 6 deals with one of the most important food legume crops (faba bean). Chapter 7 and 8 discuss two important oil crops (sesame and sunflower). However, Chapter 9 focuses on cotton as one of the most important fiber crops. The author addresses these crops under the following headings: genotype x environment interaction and its relation to climatic change on yield production, performance of genotypes in response to environmental changes, adaptability and yield stability to environmental conditions, additive main effects and multiplicative interaction model, gene action, genetic behavior and heritability for traits related to environmental stress tolerance, role of recent approaches, biotechnology and nanotechnology. This is besides how can measure sensitivity of genotypes to environmental stress, and finally the appropriate agricultural practices to mitigate environmental stress on crops under attention. The book ends with Chapter *where the author presents an update of the book topics, present the most important conclusions and recommendations from all chapters.This book has been prepared and supported by recent references and statistics with coloured tables and illustrations for audiences interested in crop science,environment, plant breeding, genetics and biotechnology, as well as postgraduate students and researchers in universities and research centres.
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