Puzzled by terminology, skills, law, or theory? Revising for your placement or exam? Then look no further! This series of concise and easy-to-use A-Zs will be your guide. Designed for both students and newly-qualified social workers, this book will introduce you to over 300 key laws, legal terms, and legal processes in a concise and no-nonsense way. It covers all areas of social work practice - adults, children and families, mental health, and youth justice - ensuring you have the knowledge you need to apply the law appropriately, ethically and with confidence.
Abduction, child \\ Abnormally aggressive or seriously irresponsible conduct \\ Acceptable Behaviour Contracts \\ Accommodation of children \\ Accountability, employer \\ Accountability, local authority \\ Accountability, social worker \\ Acid test \\ Action plan orders \\ Acts of Parliament \\ Admission, compulsory hospital \\ Adoption \\ Adoption and Children Act 2002 \\ Adult at Risk \\ Adult safeguarding \\ Adult safeguarding enquiry \\ Advance decisions \\ Advocates and advocacy \\ After-care services \\ Age of criminal responsibility \\ Anti-discrimination legislation \\ Anti-social Behaviour Orders \\ Appeals \\ Appropriate adult \\ Approved Mental Capacity Professional \\ Approved Mental Health Professionals \\ Arrest, youth \\ Assessment, adult needs \\ Assessment, child \\ Asylum seekers \\ Attendance Centre Orders \\ Baby P (aka Baby Peter, Peter Connolly) \\ Bail \\ BAILII \\ Barristers \\ Best Interests \\ Best Interests Assessor \\ Binding over \\ Bournewood case \\ British Association of Social Workers (BASW) \\ Burden of proof \\ Butler Sloss Inquiry \\ Cafcass \\ Capacity \\ Care Act 2014 \\ Care and support plans \\ Care and Support statutory guidance \\ Care homes, care homes with nursing \\ Care orders \\ Care plans \\ Care proceedings \\ Care Quality Commission \\ Carers \\ Case law \\ Causative nexus \\ Cheshire West and Chester \\ Child abduction \\ Child Arrangement Orders \\ Child Assessment Orders \\ Child in need \\ Child Protection \\ Child Protection Conference \\ Child Protection Plan \\ Child Safeguarding Boards \\ Child Safeguarding system \\ Child Safety Orders \\ Child, definition of \\ Children Act 1989 \\ Children Act 2004 \\ Children and Families Act 2014 \\ Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service \\ Children and Social Work Act 2017 \\ Children and young people’s plans \\ Children’s Commissioner \\ Children’s guardians \\ Choice rights, choice of accommodation \\ Circulars \\ Citation of legislation and legal cases \\ Civil law \\ Clerks, court \\ Cleveland Inquiry \\ Climbié case \\ Closure of care homes \\ Codes of Practice and Statutory Guidance \\ College of Social Work \\ Commission for Local Administration \\ Commission for Social Care Inspection \\ Commissioning services \\ Common law and common law doctrine of necessity \\ Community treatment orders \\ Compensation orders \\ Competencies, professional \\ Complaints procedures \\ Compulsory admission and detention (mental health) \\ Compulsory protection of adults \\ Compulsory treatment \\ Confidentiality and privacy \\ Consent \\ Contact orders, care order related \\ Contact orders, private family law related \\ Convention on the Rights of the Child, UN \\ County Court \\ Court of Protection \\ Courts and court system \\ Crime, youth \\ Criminal Behaviour Orders \\ Criminal injury compensation \\ Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 \\ Criminal law \\ Criminal Records Bureau \\ Crown Court \\ Crown Prosecution Service \\ Cultural considerations \\ Custody \\ Data protection \\ Deferred payment \\ Delay, no delay principle \\ Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards \\ Detention and Training Orders \\ Direct payments \\ Director of Public Prosecutions \\ Disclosure and barring \\ Disempowerment \\ Domestic abuse \\ Duty of care, local authority \\ Duty of care, social worker \\ Duty solicitor \\ Education supervision orders \\ Education, children and young people \\ Education, Health and Care plans \\ Education, looked after children \\ Eligibility criteria \\ Emergency Protection Order \\ Employer accountability and duty of care \\ Empowerment \\ Enduring Power of Attorney \\ Equality and Human Rights Commission \\ European Convention on Human Rights \\ European Court of Human Rights \\ Evidence in court \\ Examination-in-chief \\ Exclusion, school \\ Expert witness \\ Fair Access to Care Services \\ Family Assistance Orders \\ Family court \\ Family division, High Court \\ Family Justice Council \\ Family law \\ Family proceedings court \\ Finance and payments for services \\ Fitness to practise \\ Former relevant children \\ Foster care \\ Freedom of information \\ General Social Care Council \\ Gillick competence \\ Green Paper \\ Guardians (children’s guardians) \\ Guardianship \\ Harm, significant \\ Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) \\ Hearsay \\ High Court \\ Homelessness \\ Human Rights Act 1998 \\ Independent Care Act Advocates \\ Independent Mental Capacity Advocate \\ Independent Mental Health Advocates \\ Independent Reviewing Officer \\ Independent Safeguarding Authority \\ Indictable offences \\ Inherent jurisdiction \\ Inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment \\ Injustice, public body \\ Inquiries \\ Intensive Supervision and Surveillance Programmes \\ Investigations, child safeguarding \\ J, K \\ Judges \\ Judicial review \\ Justices of the Peace \\ Laming Inquiry \\ Lasting Power of Attorney \\ Law Commission \\ Lawtel \\ Leaving care \\ Legal aid \\ Legal databases \\ Legal Ombudsman \\ Legal planning and pre-proceedings \\ Lexis-Nexis or Lexis Library \\ Liberty Protection Safeguards \\ Litigation friend \\ Living wills \\ Local authorities, accountability \\ Local authorities, legal status \\ Local Child Safeguarding Boards \\ Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman \\ Looked-after children \\ Magistrates \\ Maladministration, public body \\ Mental Capacity Act 2005 \\ Mental disorder \\ Mental Health Act Commission \\ Mental Health Acts 1983, 2007 \\ Munro Report \\ National Occupational Standards \\ Nearest relative \\ Neglect, adult \\ Neglect, child \\ Negligence \\ NHS Continuing Healthcare \\ No delay principle \\ No order principle \\ Non-molestation order \\ NSPCC \\ Occupation order \\ Offences, first time \\ Official Solicitor \\ Ofsted \\ Ombudsman \\ Ordinary residence \\ Parent, definition of \\ Parental responsibility \\ Parenting orders \\ Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman \\ Pathway plans \\ Penalties, youth offending \\ Personal Adviser \\ Personal budgets \\ Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 \\ Police Protection Order \\ Power of Attorney \\ Powers, mandatory and permissive \\ Practice directions \\ Pre-sentence reports \\ Prevent, reduce and delay duty \\ Prevention, crime \\ Privacy and confidentiality \\ Privacy and family life, right to \\ Private family law \\ Private fostering \\ Private law orders \\ Procedures, complaint \\ Professional Capabilities Framework \\ Professionalism \\ Prohibited steps order \\ Proof, burden of \\ Proof, standard of \\ Proportionality \\ Protection of property \\ Protection of title \\ Public bodies \\ Public Guardian \\ Public law orders \\ Public Law Outline \\ Quality assurance, service standards \\ Referral orders \\ Refugees and people seeking asylum \\ Registration, children’s care provider \\ Registration, professional social worker \\ Registration, social care homes \\ Regulations and Rules \\ Relinquished babies \\ Remands to care or custody \\ Reparation orders \\ Residence orders \\ Restraining Orders \\ Right to fair trial \\ Right to liberty \\ Right to life \\ Right to religion \\ Rights of redress \\ Rights, child \\ Rights, human \\ Safeguarding Adults Board \\ Safeguarding Adults Reviews \\ Safeguarding Children Partnerships (Safeguarding Partners) \\ Safeguarding, adult \\ Safeguarding, child \\ Secure accommodation \\ Seebohm Report 1968 \\ Serious Case Reviews \\ Serious case reviews, adult \\ Services for children and families \\ Sexual abuse \\ Sexual harm prevention orders \\ Sexual Offences Prevention Orders \\ Significant harm \\ Social work education \\ Social Work England \\ Social worker accountability and registration \\ Solicitors \\ Special educational needs \\ Special guardianship \\ Specific issue orders \\ Statute law \\ Statutory guidance \\ Statutory instruments \\ Substitute care \\ Supervision order \\ Supreme Court \\ Tariffs, youth offending \\ Threshold criteria (care proceedings) \\ Transition to adulthood \\ Treatment, community orders \\ Treatment, compulsory \\ Tribunals \\ Ultra vires \\ UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities \\ Unaccompanied and accompanied child asylum-seekers \\ United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child \\ Universal Declaration of Human Rights \\ Unsound mind \\ Victims \\ Victoria Climbié case \\ Video links in court evidence \\ Vulnerable adults \\ Vulnerable witnesses \\ Wardship \\ Welfare checklist \\ Well-being \\ Westlaw \\ Whistle-blowing \\ White Paper \\ Wishes and feelings of children \\ Wishes and feelings, adult \\ Withdrawal of services \\ Witnesses \\ Working Together to Safeguard Children \\ X, Y, Z \\ Young person, definition of \\ Youth Cautions \\ Youth Courts \\ Youth detention accommodation \\ Youth justice \\ Youth Justice Board \\ Youth Offender Panels \\ Youth Offending Teams \\ Youth Rehabilitation Orders
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