This book presents the findings of recent theoretical and experimental studies of processes in the atmosphere, oceans, and lithosphere, discussing their interactions, geology. methods of geophysical research, and environmental problems resulting from human impacts. Particularly focusing on the geomechanical aspects of the production of hydrocarbons, including the laborious extraction of oils, it also includes contributions on ecological problems related to the biosphere.
1. Fedin K.V., Kolesnikov Yu.I, Ngomayezwe L. Determination of the condition of road coverings by acoustic noise data 2. Fedin K.V., Kolesnikov Yu.I., Ngomayezwe L. Diagnosis of the technical condition of standing wave support for pipeline 3. Fedin K.V., Kolesnikov Yu.I., Ngomayezwe L. Determination of ice thickness using standing waves 4. Loktev F., Kuznetsova A., Baydakov G., Troitskaya Yu. Development of methods for wind speed and wave parameters forecasting in inland waters 5. Zhidkova A.Yu., Bednaya T.A., Podberesnij V.V. The geoecological assessment of the internal and external biogenous load of the waters of the Gulf of Taganrog of the Sea of Azov 6. Bukatov . ., Babiy M.V. Manifestation of Downward Solar Radiation Flux in the Variability of Sea Ice Concentration and Krill Fishery in the Antarctic 7. Bukatov A.A., Pavlenko E.A., Solovei N.M. Estimation of Waters Vertical Structure in the Barents and Kara Seas 8. Kochergin S.V., Fomin V.V., Variational identification of the underwater pollution source power 9. Kochergin V.S., Kochergin S.V., Sklyar S.N.Analytical solution of the test three/dimensional problem of wind flows 10. Voronina N.N. Seasonal Variations of the Significant Altitude of the Waves in the Black Sea 11. Chukharev A.M., Samodurov A.S. Calculation of the turbulent exchange intensity in the sea upper homogeneous layer 12. Kanevskaya R., Novikov A. Modelling of fracture acidizing 13. Soboleva E.B. Underground Density/Driven Convection of Saline Fluids with Constant and Variable Viscosity 14. Zapevalov A.S. Phase Spectra of a Multicomponent Wave Field 15. Knyazkov A.S., Zapevalov A. S. Modeling the Dispersion Distribution of Sea Surface Slopes Over the Ranges of Waves Creating Them 16. Nazarov L., Nazarova L., Bruel D., Golikov N. Determination of permeability/porosity/stresses dependence for loose media based on inverse problem solution by lab test data 17. Kumakshev S.A. Steady flows of a viscous incompressible fluid in a plane diffuser 18. Kholoptsev A.V., Podporin S.A. On relationship between variations in total atmospheric methane levels and climate warming in the Russian Far East in summer months 19. Kolomoets A.V., Panteleev V. S., Kutuyeva N.R., Mumenov A.B., Yakshigulov D.F. Geology and Gold carbon Kommercheskoye deposit (Kumakskoye ore field) 20. Zotova A., Troitskaya Y., Sergeev D., Kandaurov A. Direct numerical simulation of droplet deformation in external flow at various Reynolds and Weber numbers 21. Kholoptsev A.V., Podporin S.A., Shulga T.Ya. North Atlantic oscillation and Arctic air outbreaks 22. Bayankina T.M., Godin E.A., Zhuk E.V., Ingerov A.V., Isaeva E.A., and Vetsalo M.P. Information resources of marine hydrophysical institute, RAS: current state and development prospects 23. Tikhonova E.A., Kotelyanets E.A., Soloveva O.V. Sea bottom sediments as a pollution level indicator of the Crimean coast (the Black and Azov Seas) 24. Schreider A.A., Sazhneva A.E. Uppermost sediments diapirism in the Western Mediterranean 25. Klementiev M.K., Nosov V.N., Timonin V.I., Budovskaya L.M Method for detection of the vessel trace anomalies inthe sea surface images based on analysis of color gradient correlations 26. Sovga E.E., Eryomina E.S., Kharitonova L.V., Khmara T.V. Current water and salt regime of the Sivash Bay 27. Golubev V.I., Ekimenko A.V., Nikitin I.S., Golubeva Yu.A. Continuum model of layered medium for reservoir of Bazhenov formation 28. Kravtsova A.Yu., Meshalkin Yu.E., Kashkarova M.V., Bilsky A.V., Naumov I.V. Intensifying mixing during vortex motion in a T / shaped micromixer 29. Riabova S.A., Spivak A.A., Kharlamov V.A. Manifestation of the quintet of the fundamental spheroidal mode 0S2 of earth’s free oscillations in electromagnetic variations at the Mikhnevo observatory 30. Kolomoets A.V., Pankratev P.V., Kisil R.S., Panteleev V.S. Structural factors of gold mineralization formation on the example of Kumakskoye gold deposit (Eastern/Urals uplift) 31. Kasyanov S.Y., Samsonov V.A. About the modern system of three energy/bearing intensive vortices in the Earth’s mantle 32. Diansky N.A., Sukhonos P.A. Multidecadal variability of the hydrothermodynamic characteristics of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre 33. Gladskikh D., Soustova I., Troitskaya Yu., Mortikov E. On the Factors Affecting Mixed Layer Depth in the Inland Water 34. Gadiyatov V.G., Bagdasarova V.V., Sibirskikh .V. The forecasting and searching gemstone deposits. Criteria for forecasting 35. Schreider A.A., Sazhneva A.E. American/Antarctic Continental Bridge Destruction 36. Pososhkov V.L. Influence of Large/Scale Atmospheric Circulation Modes on the Danube Runoff Anomalies During the Flood Period 37. Popov S.N., Kusaiko A.S. Experimental Study of the Effect of Filtration For Low/Mineralized Water With High Temperature on Changes in Elastic and Strength Properties of Reservoir Rocks 38. Baydakov G.A., Vdovin M.I., Kandaurov A.A., Sergeev D.A., Troitskaya Yu.I. Study of the sea foam impact on the wind/wave interaction within the laboratory modeling 39. Gladskikh D.I., Soustova Yu., Troitskaya E., Mortikov On the influence of stratification and shear on the turbulent mixing in inland waters 40. Zyryanov V.N., Chebanova M.K. Experimental Studies of the Earth Rotation Impact on Tides in the Curvilinear Bays 41. Peregudin S.I., Peregudina E.S., Kholodova S.E. Mathematical modeling of the dynamics of a rotating layer of an electrically conducting fluid with magnetic field diffusion effects 42. Riabova S. . Diurnal Geomagnetic Variations at Mikhnevo Geophysical Observatory 43. Stolyarova E.V., Myslenkov S.A., Baydakov G.A., Kuznetsova A.M. Modeling of the extreme wind waves in the Gorky reservoir
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