Climate change will lead to many changes in global development and security especially energy, water, food, society, job, diplomacy, culture, economy and trade. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines climate change as: “Any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity.” Global climate change has emerged as a key issue in both political and economic arenas. It is an increasingly questioned phenomenon, and progressive national governments around the world have started taking action to respond to these environmental concerns. This book discusses the issue of food and water security in India under the context of climate change. It provides information to scientists and local government to help them better understand the particularities of the local climate. It offers insight into the changes to natural ecosystems which have affected the local Indian population. Climate change is one of the biggest challenges to Indian society. It can lead to serious impacts on production, life and the environment. Higher temperatures and sea level rise can lead to flooding and cause water salinity problems which bring about negative effects on agriculture and high risks to industry and socio-economic systems in the future.
1. New Challenges on Natural Resources and Its Impact on Climate Change in the Indian Context (Sunil Kumar Srivastava).- 2. Regional Assessment of Impacts of Climate Change: A Statistical Downscaling Approach (Nagraj S. Patil; Rajashekhar S.Laddimath).- 3. Flood Risk Assessment for Medium Size City Using Geospatial Techniques with Integrated Flood Models (Surendar Natarajan and Nisha Radhakrishnan).- 4. Impact of Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies for Fruit Crops (Tanmoy Sarkar, Anirban Roy, Sanvar Mal Choudhary and S.K. Sarkar).- 5. Evaluating Adaptation Strategies to Coastal Multi-Hazards in Sundarban Biosphere Reserve, India using Composite Adaptation Index: A Household Level Analysis (Mehebub Sahana, Sufia Rehman, Shyamal Dutta, Samsad Parveen, Raihan Ahmed and Haroon Sajjad).- 6. Impact of Climate Change on Groundwater Resource of India: A Geographical Appraisal (Sutapa Mukhopadhyay; Amit Kumar Mandal).- 7. Comparison of classical Mann-Kendal Test and Graphical Innovative Trend Analysis for Analyzing the Rainfall Changes in India (Tapash Mandal, Apurba Sarkar, Jayanta Das, A.T.M. Sakiur Rahman, Pradip Chouhan).- 8. Forest Phenology as an Indicator of Climate Change: Impact and Mitigation Strategies in India (Priyanshi Tiwari, Pramit Verma, A S Raghubanshi).- 9. Assessment of Stream Flow Impact on Physico-Chemical Properties of Water and Soil in Forest Hydrology through Statistical Approach (Malabika Biswas Roy, Pankaj Kumar Roy, Sudipa Halder, Gourab Banerjee and Asis Mazumdar).- 10. Impact of Climate Extremities of El-Nina and La-Nina in Patterns of Seasonal Rainfall over Coastal Karnataka, India (Stanley Raj. A, Chendhoor B.).- 11. Geothermal Energy and Climate Change Mitigation Strategies (Kriti Yadav, Anirbid Sircar and Apurwa Yadav).
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