Nuclear Isomers



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Nuclear isomers areThe long-lived excTed TTes of nuclei.Therefore,They conTTTeThe mTa-Table landscape of nuclei.The firT isomer was probably ideTified as early as1921. SinceThen,The number of isomers has been growing Teadily picking up pace in receTTimes.ITereT in nuclear isomers has grown in receT years for many reasons.The experimeTal capabilTiesTo observe isomers have been expandingTo cover a widerTime scale.This has opened up new windowsTo observe and decipherThe underlyingnuclearTruTure and iTeraTions. FuTher,The isomers are beginningTo be seen as pTeTial energy Torage devicesand nuclear clockswTh a hoT of applicTions. Possible discovery of a gamma ray laser has also ignTed many researches inThis area.Isomers now coverThe full nuclear landscape wTh TruTural peculiarTies specificTo each region ofThe nuclear chaT. ExploringThe nuclear isomers,Therefore, provides a novel insigT iToThe nuclear TruTure propeTies ofThT region.There could be many differeT reasons forThe long lives of excTed nuclear TTes, which leadToThe classificTion of isomers.Isomers are broadly classified inTo four classes: Spin isomers, shape isomers, fission isomers and K-isomers. SeniorTy isomers have also been ideTified which are oTen clubbed wThThe spin isomers. We discussThis classificTion andThe underlying causes in dTail. Many examples are consideredTo highligTThe large variTy of isomers.The range of half-lives covered byThe isomers varies from billions of yearsTo nano-seconds and even small.To underTandThis vaT variTion is a fascinTing endeavor in Tself.The angular momeTum couplings, nuclear shapes, pairing Tc. conspireTogTherTo giveThis vaT range of half-lives. We goThroughThese aspeTs in dTail, highligTingThe various seleTion rules T work.T is iTereTingThTThe nuclear shapes play an impoTaT role in manyTypes of isomers.The spin isomers, which occur in spherical or, near-spherical nuclei, aregenerallyconfinedToThe magic numbers. SeniorTy isomers are largely found in semi-magic nuclei and should be explored in conjunTion wThThe spin isomers. New developmeTs in seniorTy and generalized seniorTy isomers are discussed in dTail. AsThe nuclei deform;The nTure of isomers changes. WeTake a close look iToThe decay propeTies of isomers in deformed nuclei, paTicularlyThe K isomers,The shape isomers andThe fission isomers. While doing so,TheTheorTical and experimeTal developmeTs of isomers are also addressed. A number of open queTions are posed for possible new experimeTs and bTter underTanding ofThe isomers.
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