This Handbook offers a comprehensive examination of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s life, oeuvre, and legacy, the first such work since his death in 2014. It incorporates ongoing critical approaches such as feminism, ecocriticism, Marxism, and ethnic studies, while elucidating key aspects of his work, such as his Caribbean-Colombian background; his use of magical realism, myth, and folklore; and his left-wing political views. Thirty-two wide-ranging chapters cover the bulk of the author’s writings, giving special attention to the global influence of Garcia Marquez.
Acknowledgments; About the Editors; About the Contributors; Introduction to Gabriel Garcia Marquez; Gene H. Bell-Villada and Ignacio Lopez-Calvo; PART I. SOCIOHISTORICAL AND LITERARY BACKGROUNDS; 1. Scripting Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Life; Stephen M. Hart; 2. Garcia Marquez and Magical Realism; Wendy B. Faris; 3. Garcia Marquez and the Global South; Magali Armillas-Tiseyras; 4. Cultural Modernization in Garcia Marquez’s Caribbean; Marcela Velasco; 5. Garcia Marquez and the Remaking of the Global Canon; Juan E. De Castro; 6. Garcia Marquez and His Precursors; Lois Parkinson Zamora; 7. Fictions of Difficult Love; Anibal Gonzalez-Perez; PART II. RACE, ETHNICITY, AND GENDER; 8. Imagining the Caribbean in Garcia Marquez’s Fiction; Adelaida Lopez-Mejia; 9. Amerindian Wayuu Legacy and Garciamarquezian Literary Fable; Juan Moreno Blanco; 10. The Power of Women in Garcia Marquez’s World; Nadia Celis; PART III. WORLDWIDE INFLUENCES AND LEGACY; 11. Garcia Marquez in Africa; Regina Janes; 12. The Arabs and Gabriel Garcia Marquez; Heba El Attar; 13. Garcia Marquez in China; Teng Wei; 14. One Hundred Years of Solitude and Its Influence in Japan; Gonzalo Robledo; 15. South Asian Readings of Gabriel Garcia Marquez; Sonya Surabhi Gupta and Shad Naved; 16. Spain in the Making and Reception of Garcia Marquez’s Works; Alvaro Santana-Acuna; PART IV. KEY THEMES AND LEITMOTIFS; 17. Myth and Poetry in Macondo; Mercedes Lopez-Baralt; 18. Style and Surprise in Garcia Marquez; Michael Wood; 19. Garcia Marquez’s Global Travel Writing beyond the Iron Curtain, 1955-1959; Mariano Siskind; 20. Dark Ecology in One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love in the Time of Cholera; William Flores; 21. Repetition and Alchemy in One Hundred Years of Solitude; Rene Prieto; 22. Music as a Formal and Structuring Feature in Garcia Marquez’s Mature Fiction; Gene H. Bell-Villada and Marco Katz Montiel; 23. Garcia Marquez’s Anti-Eurocentric, Non-Magical Latin America in His Public Speeches; Ignacio Lopez-Calvo; PART V. KEY WORKS; 24. Writing and Politics in Garcia Marquez’s Early Works; Maria Helena Rueda; 25. Monstrous Innocence and Its Expression in Garcia Marquez’s Tales; Mary Lusky Friedman; 26. The Protean Viewpoint in One Hundred Years of Solitude; Erik Camayd-Freixas; 27. Fate and Free Will in Chronicle of a Death Foretold; Philip Swanson; 28. Pathology, Power, and Patriarchy in The Autumn of the Patriarch and The General in His Labyrinth; Helene C. Weldt-Basson; 29. Modernity and Its Ruins in Of Love and Other Demons; Nereida Segura-Rico; 30. The Later Work of Garcia Marquez; Nicholas Birns; 31. The Threefold Selves in Garcia Marquez’s Writing; Robert Sims; 32. The Filmic-Literary Works of Garcia Marquez; Alessandro Rocco
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