A comprehensive collection of original essays on the life and writings of poet and politician Andrew Marvell that offers a complete, one-stop guide to the literary, religious, and political complexities of his work.
Preface; PART 1: MARVELL AND HIS TIMES; 1 Nicholas von Maltzahn: Marvell, Writer and Politician, 1621-1678; 2 Emma Wilson: Andrew Marvell and Education; 3 Nicholas von Maltzahn: Marvell and Patronage; 4 Ann Hughes: Marvell and the Interregnum; 5 Paul Seaward: Marvell and Parliament; 6 Edward Holberton: Marvell and Diplomacy; 7 Charles Edouard Levillain: England’s ’natural Frontier’: Andrew Marvell and the Low Countries; 8 Philip Connell: Marvell and the Church; 9 Johanna Harris and N. H. Keeble: Marvell and Nonconformity; 10 Lynn Enterline: Marvell’s Unfortunate Lovers; 11 Martin Dzelzainis: Marvell and Science; 12 Paul Davis: Marvell and Manuscript Culture; 13 Matthew Augustine: Marvell and Print Culture; 14 Katherine Acheson: Visualizing Marvell; 15 Helen Wilcox: Marvell and Music; 16 Sean McDowell: Urban Marvell; 17 Edward Paleit: Marvell’s Classical Similitudes; 18 Martin Dzelzainis: ’a greater errour in Chronology’: Issues of Dating in Marvell; PART 2: READINGS; 19 Nigel Smith: ’To his Coy Mistress’, The Greek Anthology and the History of Poetry; 20 Gordon Teskey: ’Greenland’: Marvell’s ’The Garden’; 21 Leah S. Marcus: Marvell’s ’Nymph Complaining’ and the Erotics of Vitalism; 22 Steven Zwicker and Derek Hirst: Marvell and Lyrics of Undifference; 23 Greg Chaplin: Marvell and Elegy; 24 Annabel Brett: The Post-Machiavellian Poetry of ’An Horatian Ode upon Cromwell’s Return from Ireland; 25 Warren Chernaik: Harsh Remedies: Satire and Politics in Last Instructions to a Painter; 26 Estelle Haan: Marvell’s Latin Poetry and the Art of Punning; 27 Julianne Werlin: ’Upon Appleton House’; 28 Johanna Harris: Andrew Marvell’s Letters; 29 Alex Garganigo: The Rehearsal Transpros’d and The Rehearsal Transpros’d: The Second Part; 30 Martin Dzelzainis and Steph Coster: The Commissioning, Writing, and Printing of Mr. Smirke: A New Account; Kendra Packham: 26. Marvell, Political Print, and Picturing the Catholic: An Account of the Growth of Popery and Arbitrary Government; PART 3: MARVELL AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES; 32 Tom Lockwood: Marvell and Jonson; 33 James Loxley: Andrew Marvell and Cavalier Poetics; 34 Nicholas McDowell: Marvell’s French Spirit; 35 Tim Raylor: Marvell and Waller; 36 Victoria Silver: ’Mr. Bayes in Mr. Bayes’: The Art of Personation in Hobbes, Parker, and Marvell; 37 John Rogers: Ruin the Sacred Truths: Prophecy, Form, and Nonconformity in Marvell and Milton; 38 Ashley Marshall and Robert D. Hume: Marvell and the Restoration Wits; 39 Mark Goldie: Marvell and his Adversaries, 1672-78; PART 4: MARVELL’S AFTERLIFE; 40 Diane Purkiss: Bodleian Library MS Eng. Poet. d. 49; 41 Annabel Patterson: Marvell the Patriot; 42 Michael O’Neill: Marvell and Nineteenth-Century Poetry: Wordsworth to Tennyson; 43 Steven Matthews: Marvell in the Twentieth- and Twenty-First Centuries
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