The Oxford Handbook of Charles Dickens is a comprehensive and up-to-date collection on Dickens’s life and works that includes original chapters on all of Dickens’s writing and new considerations of his contexts, from the social, political, and economic to the scientific, commercial, and religious.
Time Line; Dickens Family Tree; Introduction; Part I: Personal and Professional Life; 1 Rosemarie Bodenheimer: Biographical Dickens; 2 Leon Litvack: Dickens’s Lifetime Reading; 3 John Bowen: Dickens as Professional Author; 4 Tony Williams: Dickens as a Public Figure; Part II. The Works; 5 Paul Schlicke: Dickens’s Early Sketches; 6 Jeremy Tambling: Pickwick Papers: The Posthumous Life of Writing; 7 Galia Benziman: Oliver Twist: Urban Aesthetics and the Homeless Child; 8 Jon Varese: Nicholas Nickleby: Equity vs. Law; 9 Sarah Winter: 6IThe Old Curiosity Shop and Master Humphrey’s Clock; 10 Mark Eslick: Barnaby Rudge and the Jesuit Menace; 11 Logan Delano Browning: Martin Chuzzlewit; 12 Michal P. Ginsburg: Dombey and Son and the Question of Reproduction; 13 Ruth Glancy: Christmas Books and Stories; 14 Philip Davis: David Copperfield; 15 Kate Flint: Bleak House; 16 Grahame Smith: Hard Times for Our Times; 17 Francesca Orestano: Little Dorrit; 18 Nathalie Vanfasse: A Tale of Two Cities; 19 Mary Hammond: Great Expectations; 20 Ian Duncan: Our Mutual Friend; 21 Peter Orford: The Mystery of Edwin Drood; 22 Michael Hollington: ’Milestones on the Dover Road’: Dickens and Travel; 23 Hazel Mackenzie: Journalism and Correspondence; 24 Molly Clark Hillard: Charles Dickens and the ’Dark Corners’ of Children’s Literature; Part III: The Socio-Historical Contexts; 25 James Eli Adams: The Trouble with Angels: Dickens, Gender, and Sexuality; 26 Holly Furneaux: Domesticity and Queer Theory; 27 Tyson Stolte: Psychology, Psychiatry, Mesmerism, Dreams, Insanity, and Psychoanalytic Criticism; 28 Jonathan Smith: Dickens and Astronomy, Biology, and Geology; 29 David Vincent: Social Reform; 30 Richard Menke: Dickens, Industry, and Technology; 31 Claire Wood: Material Culture; 32 Wendy Parkins: Dickens and Affect; 33 David Paroissien: History and Change: Dickens and the Past; 34 Chris Vanden Bossche: Class and its Distinctions; 35 James Buzard: Race, Imperialism, Colonialism, Post-Colonialism, and Cosmopolitanism; 36 Ayse Celikkol: Dickens, Political Economy, and Money; 37 Jennifer McDonell: Dickens and Animal Studies; 38 Allen MacDuffie: Dickens and the Environment; 39 Jennifer Gribble: Dickens and Religion; 40 Helena Michie: Drinking in Dickens; 41 Chip Badley and Kay Young: Cognitive Dickens; Part IV: The Literary and Cultural Contexts; 42 Daniel Tyler: Dickens’s Language; 43 Robert Tracy: Genres: Auctor Ludens, or Dickens at Play; 44 John Glavin: Dickens and the Theatre; 45 Helen Groth: Dickens’ Visual Mediations; Part V: Dickens Re-Visioned; 46 Paul Young: Dickens’s World System: Globalized Modernity as Combined and Uneven Development; 47 Regenia Gagnier: Dickens’s Global Circulation; 48 Sharon Aronofsky Weltman: Adopting and Adapting Dickens Since 1870: Stage, Film, Radio, Television; 49 Juliet John: Adopting and Adapting Dickens in the Internet Age
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