This edited volume explores prose from the origins of printing in late fifteenth-century England to the rise of the novel as a recognized, reputable genre in the mid eighteenth century.
General Editor’s Preface; Thomas Keymer: Introduction; Editorial Note; Note on the British Currency before Decimalization; Part 1: Fiction in the Marketplace; 1 Paul Salzman: Authorship, Publication, Reception: 1470-1660; 2 Robert D. Hume: Authorship, Publication, Reception: 1660-1750; 3 Cathy Shrank: Cross-Sections: 1516-1520; 4 Lori Humphrey Newcomb: Cross-Sections: 1596-1600; 5 James Grantham Turner: Cross-Sections: 1666-1670; 6 Pat Rogers: Cross-Sections: 1716-1720; Part 2: Early Modern Fiction - Sources and Modes; 7 Alexandra Gillespie: Fiction and the Origins of Print; 8 Robert H. F. Carver: English Fiction and the Ancient Novel; 9 Helen Moore: Chivalric Romance and Novella Collections; 10 Nandini Das: Euphuism and Courtly Fiction; 11 Tiffany Stern: Nashe and Satire; 12 R. W. Maslen: Elizabethan Popular Romance and the Popular Novel; 13 Gavin Alexander: ’The conjunction cannot be hurtful’? Sidney’s Arcadia and Mingled Genres; 14 Daniel Carey: Utopian Fiction; 15 Steven N. Zwicker: Royalist Romance?; 16 Simon Dickie: Picaresque and Rogue Fiction; 17 Brean Hammond: Cervantes, Anti-Romance, and the Novella; 18 Nicholas McDowell: Rabelaisian Comedy and Satire; 19 Michael Davies: Bunyan and Religious Allegory; Part 3: Restoration Fiction and the Rise of the Novel; 20 Nicholas Hudson: Formal Experimentation and Theories of Fiction; 21 John Richetti: Non-Fictional Discourses and the Novel; 22 Stuart Sherman: Finding Their Accounts: Autobiography, Novel, and the Move from Self ’to you-ward’; 23 Ros Ballaster: Classical French Fiction and the Restoration Novel; 24 Toni Bowers: Epistolary Fiction; 25 Paul Baines: Pornography and the Novel; 26 Jenny Davidson: Restoration Theatre, and the Novel; 27 Cynthia Wall: Exploration, Expansion, and the Early Novel; 28 James Watt: Arabian Nights and Oriental Spies; 29 Moyra Haslett: The Rise of the Irish Novel; 30 Jane Spencer: Scandal and Amatory Fiction; 31 J. Paul Hunter: Defoe, Journalism, and the Early English Novel: Contexts and Models; 32 Claude Rawson: Swift, Satire, and the Novel; 33 Thomas Lockwood: The Pamela Debate; 34 Alan Downie: Clarissa and Tom Jones; 35 Peter Sabor: ’Moral Romance’ and the Novel at Mid-Century
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