The key feature at this conference was the 33 invited and contributed papers from the world’s leading number theorists. Talks were in three sessions: analytical number theory; arithmetical algebraic geometry; and diophantive approximation. Speakers included: F.Beukers (University of Utrecht); R. Heath-Brown (Oxford); H.L. Montgomery (Ann Arbor, Michigan); Don Zagier (MDI, Bonn); N. Hirata (Tokyo Instite of Technology, Japan); E. Bombieri (IAS, Princeton); J. Neukirch (Regensburg); Y. Zarhin (Academy of Science, USSR).
Preface; List of Invited Addresses; List of Contributed Talks; Conference Participants; Picture; List of Contributors; 1 Plenary Addresses; 1.1 F. Beukers: Exotic values of G-functions; 1.2 John B. Friedlander: Irregularities in the Distribution of Primes; 1.3 D.R. Heath-Brown: The Dirichlet Divisor Problem; 1.4 M. Ram Murty: A Motivated Introduction to the Langlands Program; 1.5 Michael Waldschmidt: Transcendental Numbers and Functions of Several Variables; 1.6 F. Rodriguez Villegas and Don Zagier: Square roots of central values of Hecke L-series; 2 Analytic Number Theory; Invited Addresses; 2.1 Henryk Iwaniec: A Formula for the Fourier Coefficients of Maass Cusp Forms; 2.2 M. Jutila: The Additive Divisor Problem and Exponential Sums; 2.3 Hugh L. Montgomery: Distribution of Small Powers of a Primitive Root; Contributed Talks; 2.4 A. Knopfmacher, J. Knopfmacher and R. Warlimont: Ordered Factorizations for Integers and Arithmetical Semigroups; 2.5 Toru Nakahara: A Simple Proof for Non-Monogenesis of the Rings of Integers in some Cyclic Fields; 2.6 Jukka Pihko: Representing integers as sums of squares and Hypothesis H; 3 Arithmetical Algebraic Geometry; Invited Addresses; 3.1 Hendrik W. Lenstra, Jr. and Yuri G. Zarhin: The Tate Conjecture for Almost Ordinary Abelian Varieties over Finite Fields; 3.2 V. Kumar Murty: The Notion of a Shimura Variety; 3.3 Takayuki Oda: Galois Action on the Nilpotent Completion of the Fundamental Group of an Algebraic Curve; 3.4 Paul Vojta: Arithmetic of Subvarieties of Abelian and Semiabelian Varieties; Contributed Talks; 3.5 Harvey Cohn: Projection from an Algebraic Quadratic Form to Rational Quadratic Forms; 3.6 Teresa Crespo: Construction of S4-fields and modular forms of weight 1; 3.7 Paul Feit: A Universal Format for Local/Global Theories; 3.8 Alan J. Laing: Shimura Reciprocity for Modular Functions with Rational Fourier Coefficients; 3.9 Joan-C. Lario: On Serre’s conjecture (3.2.4?) and vertical Weil Curves; 3.10 Odile Lecacheux: Units in Number Fields and Elliptic Curves; 3.11 Jaap Top: Descent by 3-isogeny and 3-Rank of quadratic fields; 3.12 Yuri Tschinkel: Finite heights and rational points on surfaces; Chapter IV: Diophantine Approximation; Invited Addresses; 4.1 David W. Boyd: Linear recurrence for some generalized Pisot sequences; 4.2 W. Dale Brownawell: Algebraic Independence of Drinfeld Exponential and Quasi-Periodic Functions; 4.3 Jan-Hendrik Evertse: Estimates for Discriminate and Resultants of Binary Forms; 4.4 Julia Mueller: A note on Thue’s inequality with few coefficients; Contributed Talks; 4.5 M.J. Bertin: K-Nombres de Pisot et de Salem; 4.6 J. Brudern and R.J. Cook: Cubic Inequalities of Additive Type; 4.7 Henri Faure: Discrepance et Diaphone en Dimension Un; 4.8 Noriko Hirata-Kohno: Une Relation Entre les Points Entiers sur une Courbe Algebrique et les Points Rationels de la Jacobienne; 4.9 Micehl Langevin: Problemes de Favard et de Lehmer Generalises; 4.10 Damien Roy: On the v-adic independence of algebraic numbers; 4.11 A.J. van der Poorten: Continued fractions of formal power series; Chapter V: Session in Honour of Paulo Ribenboim; Plenary Address; 5.1 Andrew Granville: Paulo Ribenboim, at the time of his retirement; 5.2 Andrew Granville: The Kummer-Wieferich-Skula Approach to the First Case of Fermat’s Last Theorem; Invited Addresses; 5.3 S. Louboutin, R.A. Mollin, and H.C. Williams: Class Groups of exponent two in real quadratic fields; 5.4 J. Minac: Poincare Polynomials, Stability Indices and Number of Orderings I; 5.5 Speeches at the Banquet in Honour of P. Ribenboim; 5.6 T.M. Viswanathan: Paulo Ribenboim: three aspects of his career; Paulo Ribenboim: Response
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