This critical overview examines every aspect of the field including its history, key current research questions and methods, theoretical perspectives, and sociolinguistic factors. The authors represent leading proponents of every theoretical perspective. The book is a valuable resource for phonologists and a stimulating guide for their students.
Part I Introduction and Context; 1 Patrick Honeybone and Joseph Salmons: Introduction: Key Questions for Historical Phonology; 2 Robert W. Murray: The Early History of Historical Phonology; 3 Joseph Salmons and Patrick Honeybone: Structuralist Historical Phonology: Systems in Segmental Change; Part II: Evidence and Methods in Historical Phonology; 4 Anthony Fox: Phonological Reconstruction; 5 Donka Minkova: Establishing Phonemic Contrast in Written Sources; 6 J. Marshall Unger: Interpreting Diffuse Orthographies and Orthographic Change; 7 Roger Lass: Interpreting Alphabetic Orthographies: Early Middle English Spelling; 8 Martin Kummel: The Role of Typology in Historical Phonology; 9 Brett Kessler: Computational and Quantitative Approaches to Historical Phonology; 10 Andrew Wedel: Simulation as an Investigative Tool in Historical Phonology; 11 Warren Maguire: Using Corpora of Recorded Speech for Historical Phonology; 12 Matthew J. Gordon: Exploring Chain Shifts, Mergers, and Near-Mergers as Changes in Progress; Part III: Types of Phonological Change; 13 Andras Cser: Basic Types of Phonological Change; 14 David Fertig: Analogy and Morphophonological Change; 15 Aditi Lahiri: Change in Word Prosody: Stress and Quantity; 16 Martha Ratliff: Tonoexodus, Tonogenesis, and Tone Change; 17 Laura Catharine Smith and Adam Ussishkin: The Role of Prosodic Templates in Diachrony; Part IV: Fundamental Controversies in Phonological Change; 18 Paul Foulkes and Marilyn Vihman: First Language Acquisition and Phonological Change; 19 Tobias Scheer: How Diachronic is Synchronic Grammar? Crazy Rules, Regularity, and Naturalness; 20 Mark Hale, Madelyn Kissock, and Charles Reiss: An I-Language Approach to Phonologization and Lexification; 21 Betty S. Phillips: Lexical Diffusion in Historical Phonology; 22 Ricardo Bermudez-Otero: Amphichronic Explanation and the Life Cycle of Phonological Processes; 23 Mark J. Jones: Individuals, Innovation, and Change; 24 Alan C. L. Yu: The Role of Experimental Investigation in Understanding Sound Change; Part V: Theoretical Historical Phonology; 25 Patricia J. Donegan and Geoffrey S. Nathan: Natural Phonology and Sound Change; 26 Robert Mailhammer, David Restle, and Theo Vennemann: Preference Laws in Phonological Change; 27 Joan Bybee: Articulatory Processing and Frequency of Use in Sound Change; 28 Juliette Blevins: Evolutionary Phonology: A Holistic Approach to Sound Change Typology; 29 B. Elan Dresher: Rule-based Generative Historical Phonology; 30 Thomas Purnell and Eric Raimy: Distinctive Features, Levels of Representation, and Historical Phonology; 31 D. Eric Holt: Historical Sound Change in Optimality Theory: Achievements and Challenges; 32 Paul Kiparsky: Phonologization; Part VI: Sociolinguistic and Exogenous Factors in Historical Phonology; 33 Alexandra D’Arcy: Variation, Transmission, Incrementation; 34 David Bowie and Malcah Yaeger-Dror: Phonological Change in Real Time; 35 Daniel Schreier: Historical Phonology and Koineization; 36 Fred R. Eckman and Gregory K. Iverson: Second Language Acquisition and Phonological Change; 37 Christian Uffmann: Loanword Adaptation; References; Indexes
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