The book is an authoritative and up-to-date collection of original essays on one of the greatest of all English poets, Percy Bysshe Shelley. It covers a wide range of topics, exploring Shelley’s life and work from various angles.
Michael O’Neill: Introduction; BIOGRAPHY AND RELATIONSHIPS; Donald H. Reiman and James Bieri: Shelley and the British Isles; Ralph Pite: Shelley and Italy; Ann Wroe: Resolutions, Destinations: Shelley s Last Year; Nora Crook: Shelley and Women; Stephen Behrendt: Shelley and his Publishers; PART 2 PROSE; Anthony Howe: Shelley and Philosophy: On a Future State, Speculations on Metaphysics and Morals, On Life; Gavin Hopps: Religion and Ethics: The Necessity of Atheism, A Refutation of Deism, On Christianity; Teddi Lynn Chichester: Love, Sexuality, Gender: On Love, Discourse on Love, and The Banquet of Plato; Steven E. Jones: Politics and Satire; Michael Scrivener: Politics, Protest, and Social Reform: Irish Pamphlets, Notes to Queen Mab, Letter to Lord Ellenborough, A Philosophical View of Reform; Paul Hamilton: Poetics; Diane Long Hoeveler: Prose Fiction: Zastrozzi, St. Irvyne, The Assassins, The Coliseum; Daisy Hay: Shelley’s Letters; PART 3 POETRY; Nancy Moore Goslee: Shelley’s Draft Notebooks; David Duff: Lyric Development: Esdaile Notebook to Hymns of 1816; Jack Donovan: Epic Experiments: Queen Mab and Laon and Cythna; Mark Sandy: Quest Poetry: Alastor and Epipsychidion; Stuart Curran: Lyrical Drama: Prometheus Unbound and Hellas; Michael Rossington: Tragedy: The Cenci and Swellfoot the Tyrant; Anthony Howe: Shelley’s Familiar Style : Rosalind and Helen, Julian and Maddalo, and Letter to Maria Gisborne; Michael O’Neill: Sonnets and Odes; Susan Wolfson: Popular Songs and Ballads: Writing the Unwritten Story in 1819; Jerrold E. Hogle: Visionary Rhyme: The Sensitive-Plant and The Witch of Atlas; Shahidha Bari: Lyrics and Love Poems: Poems to Sophia Stacey, Jane Williams, and Mary Shelley; Michael O’Neill: Shelley’s Pronouns: Lyrics, Hellas, Adonais, and The Triumph of Life; PART 4 CULTURES, TRADITIONS, INFLUENCES; Ian Balfour: Shelley and the Bible; Anthony John Harding: Shelley, Mythology, and the Classical Tradition; Alan Weinberg: Shelley and the Italian Tradition; Frederick Burwick: Origins of Evil: Shelley, Goethe, Calderon, and Rousseau; Madeleine Callaghan: Shelley and Milton; Michael O’Neill and Paige Tovey: Shelley and the English Tradition: Spenser and Pope; Kelvin Everest: Shelley and His Contemporaries; Jessica K. Quillin: Shelley and Music; Bernard Beatty: Shelley, Shakespeare, and Theatre; Sarah Wootton: Shelley, the Visual Arts, and Cinema; Marilyn Gaull: Shelley’s Sciences; Benjamin Colbert: Shelley, Travel, and Tourism; PART FIVE AFTERLIVES; Richard Cronin: Shelley and the Nineteenth Century; Jeffrey C. Robinson: The Influences of Shelley on Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Poetry; Michael Rossington: Editing Shelley; Jane Stabler: Shelley Criticism from Romanticism to Modernism; Arthur Bradley: Shelley Criticism from Deconstruction to the Present
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