Table of contents Preface Introduction 1. Language, meaning and identity: From mother tongue to lingua franca 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The classical paradigm and its legacy: Logos and affections of the soul 1.3 A historical note on the rise of vernaculars: Cuius regio, eius lingua 1.4 The Enlightenment and its legacy: Language as an instrument for communication, as divine logos and as a nation’s genius 1.5 Linguistic turn and pragmatic turn: The enduring appeal of universalism 1.6 Postmodernism, poststructuralism, deconstruction: Beyond the dichotomy universalism versus relativism 1.7 Introducing a lingua franca 1.8 Multiples Englishes: Competing paradigms in liberation linguistics 1.9 English as lingua franca: A neutral instrument for communication? 1.10 Final remarks Further reading References 2. The EU and English as a \"lingua franca\": De jure multilingualism versus de facto monolingualism 2.1 Introduction 2.2 De jure multilingualism: Herder would be proud 2.3 The pecking order of EU languages: English, the other 23, European languages with no EU status, non-territorial and migrant languages 2.4 De facto monolingualism: Lockean instrumentality and the EU’s \"lingua franca\" 2.5 One language for communication, many for identification: Pernicious paradox or harmonic reality? 2.6 Language policy: What, why, how? 2.7 Education language policies: Foreign language teaching in the EU 2.8 Final remarks Further reading References 3. Translation and the EU: The tension between unity versus multiplicity 3.1 Introduction 3.2 EU language services: Setup, numbers and language regimes 3.3 Translations that are originals that are translations 3.4 Translations and originals: From belabouring the (seemingly) obvious to breaking free from the dichotomy 3.5 Intraduisible, intraducao, untranslatable: Back with a bang 3.6 Unity versus multiplicity and the EU’s double responsibility: A necessary aporia 3.7 \"Invent gestures, discourses, politico-institutional practices\": A language turn and a translation turn for a more multilingual EU 3.8 Final remarks Further reading References 4. The EU as a community in formation in the wake of Brexit: For a new linguistic regime 4.1 Introduction 4.2 \"Together in disunity\": The EU as a common market and a community of shared fate in formation 4.3 EU democracy, public sphere(s), nationalism and transnationalism: Juxtaposing and mixing identities 4.4 Language contact and language dynamic: Ligatures without options 4.5 Linguistic justice: English as friend and foe 4.6 The future of English in the world: ELF, EFL, ELT 4.7 The future of English in the EU in the wake of Brexit 4.8 Intercomprehension and transcultural skills: When others remain others 4.9 Final remarks Further reading References 5. The future of language and translation in the EU: A language turn, a translation turn and a transcultural turn 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Language turn 5.3 Translation turn 5.4 Transcultural turn 5.5 Urgent research needed 5.6 Final remarks Further reading References Final Remarks Annex: Interview with DG Translation
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