What Is Artificial Intelligence?:A Conversation Between an Ai Engineer and a Humanities Researcher



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This book engages with the title question: what is artificial intelligence (AI)? Instead of reiterating received definitions or surveying the field from a disciplinary perspective, the question is engaged here by putting two standpoints into conversation. The standpoints are different in their disciplinary groundings — i.e. technology and the humanities — and also in their approaches — i.e. applied and conceptual. Peter is an AI engineer: his approach is in terms of how to make AI work. Suman is a humanities researcher: his approach is in terms of what people and academics mean when they say ’AI’. A coherent argument, if not a consensus, develops by putting the two standpoints into conversation. The conversation is presented in 32 short chapters, in turn by Suman and Peter. There are two parts: Part 1, Questioning AI, and Part 2, AI and Government Policy. The first part covers issues such as the meaning of intelligence, automation, evolution, artificial and language. It outlines some of the processes through which these concepts may be technologically grounded as AI. The second part addresses policy considerations that underpin the development of AI and responds to the consequences. Themes taken up here include: rights and responsibilities; data usage and state-level strategies in the USA, UK and China; unemployment and policy futures. Key Features: ○ Engages with the field of AI research and policy as a conversation between two distinct standpoints: science/technology and humanities/social studies; instrumental (applied) and conceptual (clarificatory); inductive and deductive reasoning. Genuinely interdisciplinary ○ The focus throughout is on contested concepts and unresolved questions in the field. The book therefore offers a front-line sense of the field ○ Attention is given both to the content of the field and to the manner in which (preconceptions with which) it is expressed. This is extremely rare in existing publications on AI ○ The presentation of the book as a conversation will engage readers. This instils a dramatic interest in the development of the argument ○ Attempts are made to provide points of view that are based not only on deliberation but also on personal experiences that allowing for unique insights that may be of use for further contemplation ○ The meandering nature of the book is a consequence of the dyadic structure of conversation. This results in a wide-ranging set of topics that are both considered and explored
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