This book presents a number of modeling studies of various water resources systems in the humid tropics and the typical short, steep mountain-to-coast systems in the archipelagic setting of the Philippines. Covering natural and rural systems, urban watersheds and built systems, such as reservoirs and flood control systems, it discusses modeling studies based on pure simulation and combined optimization-simulation.The book offers insights into real-world water resources modeling, and as such is a valuable resource for academics and practitioners in the Philippines, as well as those in other Asian regions with similar water resources systems, and similar issues, problems and concerns.
1.Introduction 2.Hydrology, Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering2.1 Tropical, Humid Climate and Hydrology2.2 Watershed and Drainage Systems2.3 Fluvial Geomorphology2.4 River Hydraulics2.5 Groundwater Hydrology and Hydraulics2.6 Water Resources Systems: Natural and Built Systems2.7 Water Resources Planning, Design and Management 3.Science and Art of Water Resources Modeling 3.1 Role and Importance of Models and Modeling Tools3.2 Models and Modeling Studies3.3 Overview of Modeling Studies and Experiences 4.Surface and Groundwater Modeling for Water Utilization 4.1 Pampanga River Basin4.2 Agno River Basin4.3 Laguna Lake River Basin4.4 Batangas River Basin4.5 Cavite River Basin 5.Reservoir Planning and Operations Studies with Optimization-Simulation Models5.1 Angat Reservoir: Competing Uses of Reservoir for Various Purposes5.2 Ambuklao-Binga-San Roque Reservoirs in Upper Agno River Basin: Optimal Reservoir Operations of the Cascade of Reservoirs for Hydropower Generation and Irrigation Water Delivery5.3 Kaliwa-Kanan-Agos Reservoir System Reliability Analysis and Optimal Project Sequencing 6.Reservoir Sedimentation Studies6.1 Angat Reservoir: Impact of Future Sedimentation on Reliability of Water Yield6.2 San Roque Reservoir: Long-term Sedimentation Management Study to Prolong Life of Reservoir6.3 Pulangi Hydropower Plant Reservoir: Sediment Flushing Operations Studies 7.Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Modeling of Bays and Lake7.1 Laguna Lake 2-d Salinity Intrusion Modeling: Fish Farming Benefit versus Water Supply Use Degradation7.2 Manila Bay: Modeling Dissolved-Oxygen as Index of Health of Coastal Waters7.3 Subic Bay: Modeling for Integrated Coastal Management Plan 8.Pipe Network Distribution Modeling with Optimization8.1 Pipe Network Model EPANET with Optimization8.2 Application of Pipe Network Optimization Model to the Western Portion of Metro Manila 9.Climate Change Studies for Reliability of a Reservoir and Groundwater Water Supply 9.1 Reliability Analysis of Angat Reservoir with Climate Change9.2 Groundwater Assessment of Metro Manila with Future Demand and Climate Change Scenarios 10.Environmental Impact Assessment Studies10.1 Subic Bay Modeling for Environmental Impact Assessment and Integrated Coastal Management10.2 Agusan Marsh and Agusan River Basin: Hydrologic, Geomorphologic and Ecologic Considerations to Ensure Ecological Integrity and Sustainable Fisheries 11.Specialized Modeling Studies11.1 Space-Time Rainfall Modeling on Effect of Moving Storm in Pasac Delta Flooding11.2 Flood Modeling of Marikina River Basin with Applications to Typhoon Ketsana and Hypothetical Storms 11.3 Dambreak Studies of Butas Dam of Cavite Province11.4 Assess Possible Groundwater Pollution of Payatas Dumpsite Leachate to Novaliches Water Supply Reservoir 12.Imperatives and Needs to Improvement of Water Resources Modeling and Applications in the Philippines12.1 Modeling Imperatives for Water Resources Planning and Management in the Philippines 12.2 Monitoring and Data Needs for Future Modeling Efforts12.3 Further Research and Capacity Building of Modeling Water Resources Systems in the Philippines12.4 Need for Sustainability Science and Transdisciplinary Approach for Sustainable Water Resources Development
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