This volume opens up, in new and innovative ways, a range of dimensions of late Victorian and modern literature and culture. It examines shared developments, points out continuities rather than ruptures, and explores the understanding of this period as a moment in which new knowledges were forming with particular speed and intensity.
Introduction; Twilights; 1 Marcus Waithe: Medievalism and Modernity; 2 Jarad Zimbler: Mythology, Empire, and Narrative; 3 Stefano Evangelista: Death Drives: Biology, Decadence, and Psychoanalysis; 4 Daniel Williams: Celticism; Making it New; 5 Christos Hadjiyiannis: Cultures of the Avant-Garde; 6 Hannah Sullivan: Hannah Sullivan; 7 Michael H. Whitworth: When was Modernism?; 8 Sos Eltis and Kirsten Shepherd-Barr: What was the ’New Drama’?; 9 Angelique Richardson: Who was the New Woman?; 10 Anne Fernihough: Utopian Thought and the Way to Live Now; Modes and Genres; 11 Adam Parkes: Naturalism, Realism, and Impressionism; 12 Adrian Hunter: Naturalism, Realism, and Impressionism; 13 Matthew Taunton: Moon Voyaging, Selenography and the Scientific Romance; 14 David Glover: Super-niches?: Detection, Adventure, Exploration and Spy Stories; Sites and Spaces of Knowledge; 15 Rachel Crossland: Scientific Formations; 16 Tatiana Kontou: Spirit Worlds; 17 Laurence Scott: Cityscapes; 18 Penny Fielding: Regionalisms; 19 Elleke Boehmer: The View from Empire: the Turn-of-the-Century Globalizing World; Minds and Bodies; 20 William Greenslade: Race and Biology; 21 Vincent J. Cheng: The Will to Forget: Amnesia, the Nation, and Ulysses; 22 Dennis Denisoff: The Posthuman Spirit of the Neo-Pagan Movement; 23 Tiffany Watt-Smith: Theatre and the Sciences of Mind; 24 Santanu Das: The Theatre of Hands: Writing the First World War; 25 Marah Gubar: Children’s Literature and Literatures of Childhood; 26 Jana Funke: Intersexions: Dandyism, Cross-Dressing, Transgender; Political and Social Selves; 27 Ruth Livesey: Political Formations: Anarchism, Feminism, Socialism; 28 Benjamin Kohlmann: ’The End of Laissez-Faire’: Literature, Economics, and the Idea of the Welfare State; 29 Sos Eltis: Representing Work; Authorship, Aesthetics, and Print Cultures; 30 Michele Mendelssohn: Reading Aestheticism, Decadence, and Cosmopolitanism; 31 James Williams: Parodies, Spoofs, and Satires; 32 Max Saunders: Life-Writing: Biography, Portraits and Self-portraits, Masked Authorship and Autobiografictions; 33 Faith Binckes: Journalism and Periodical Culture; 34 Kamilla Elliott: The Illustrated Book; Technologies; 35 Laura Marcus: The Coming of Cinema; 36 Kate Flint: Literature and Photography; 37 Sam Halliday: Electricity, Telephony, and Communications; 38 Alexander Bubb: The Residue of Modernity: Technology, Anachronism, and Bric-a-Brac in India; 39 Olga Taxidou: Stagecraft: Puppets, Masks, and Machines
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