This volume offers reviews of cross-linguistic research on the major classic issues in negation, as well as accounts of more recent results from experimental linguistics, psycholinguistics, and neuroscience. The volume will be an essential reference on the topic of negation for students and researchers across a wide range of disciplines.
1 Viviane Deprez and M.Teresa Espinal: Introduction: Negation in language and beyond; Part I: Fundamentals; 2 Laurence R. Horn: Negation and opposition: Contradiction and contrariety in logic and language; 3 Jacques Moeschler: Negative predicates: Incorporated negation; 4 David Ripley: Denial; 5 Karen De Clercq: Types of negation; 6 Shrikant Joshi: Affixal negation; 7 Johan van der Auwera and Olga Krasnoukhova: The typology of negation; Part II: Questions in the syntax of negation; 8 Chiara Gianollo: The morpho-syntactic nature of the negative marker; 9 Cecilia Poletto: The possible positioning of negation; 10 Elizabeth Pearce: Negation and constituent ordering: Case studies; 11 Josep Quer: The expression of negation in sign languages; Part III: Negation at the syntax-semantics interface; 12 Laurence R. Horn: Neg-raising; 13 Clemens Mayr: Intervention effects with negation; 14 Maribel Romero: Form and function of negative, tag, and rhetorical questions; 15 Denis Delfitto: Expletive negation; 16 Nicholas Fleisher: Calculating the scope of negation: Interaction of negation with quantifiers; Part IV: Semantics and pragmatics of negation; 17 Naomi Francis and Sabine Iatridou: Modals and negation; 18 Barry Schein: Negation in event semantics; 19 Anamaria Fălăuş: Negation and alternatives: Interaction with focus constituents; 20 Ana Maria Martins: Metalinguistic negation; 21 David Beaver and Kristin Denlinger: Negation and presupposition; Part V: Negative dependencies; 22 Lucia M. Tovena: Negative Polarity Items; 23 Susagna Tubau: Minimizers and maximizers as different types of polarity items; 24 Hedde Zeiljstra: Negative quantifiers; 25 Andrew Weir: Negative fragment answers; 26 Anastasia Giannakidou: Negative concord and the nature of negative concord items; 27 Henriette de Swart: Double negation readings; Part VI: Synchronic and diachronic variation in negation; 28 Phillip Wallage: Quantitative studies of the use of negative (dependent) expressions; 29 Christina Tortora and Frances Blanchette: Negation in non-standard varieties; 30 Anne Breitbarth: The negative cycle and beyond; 31 Chiara Gianollo: Evolution of negative dependencies; 32 Pierre Larrivee: The role of pragmatics in negation change; Part VII: Emergence and acquisition of negation; 33 Manuel Bohn, Josep Call, and Christoph J. Volter: Evolutionary precursors of negation in non-human reasoning; 34 Jean-Remy Hochmann: Cognitive precursors of negation in pre-verbal infants; 35 Rosalind Thornton: Negation and first language acquisition; 36 Liliana Sanchez and Jennifer Austin: Negation in L2 acquisition and beyond; Part VIII: Experimental investigations of negation; 37 Barbara Kaup and Carolin Dudschig: Understanding negation: Issues in the processing of negation; 38 Hanna Muller and Colin Phillips: Negative polarity illusions; 39 Pilar Prieto and M.Teresa Espinal: Negation, prosody, and gesture; 40 Yosef Grodzinsky, Virginia Jaichenco, Isabelle Deschamps, Maria Elina Sanchez, Martin Fuchs, Peter Pieperhoff, Yonatan Loewenstein, and Katrin Amunts: Negation and the brain: Experiments in health and in focal brain disease, and their theoretical implications; 41 Veena D. Dwivedi: Individual differences in processing of negative operators: Implications for bilinguals; 42 Ken Ramshoj Christensen: The neurology of negation: fMRI, ERP, and aphasia; 43 Liuba Papeo and Manuel de Vega: The neurobiology of lexical and sentential negation; References; Index
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