This book offers the most exhaustive and comprehensive treatment available of the Verb Second property. It includes formal theoretical work alongside psycholinguistic and language acquisition studies, examines data from a range of languages, and shows that V2 phenomena are much more widely attested cross-linguistically than previously thought.
1 Sam Wolfe and Rebecca Woods: Introduction; Part I: Classic Case Studies; 2 Markus Bader: Objects in the German prefield: A view from language production; 3 Anders Holmberg: On the Bottleneck Hypothesis of Verb Second in Swedish; 4 Ciro Greco and Liliane Haegeman: Frame setters and microvariation of subject-initial Verb Second; 5 Christine Meklenborg Salvesen: Adverbial resumptive particles and Verb Second; 6 Craig Sailor: Rethinking ’residual’ Verb Second; 7 Phil Branigan: Multiple Feature Inheritance and the phase structure of the left periphery; 8 Horst Lohnstein: The grammatical basis of Verb Second: The case of German; 9 Hans-Martin Gartner and Thorhallur Eytorsson: Varieties of dependent Verb Second and verbal mood: A view from Icelandic; 10 Asgrimur Angantysson: The distribution of embedded Verb Second and Verb Third in modern Icelandic; 11 Marit Julien: The assertion analysis of declarative Verb Second; 12 Hans-Martin Gartner and Jens Michaelis: Verb Second declaratives, assertion, and disjunction revisited; 13 Rebecca Woods: A different perspective on embedded Verb Second: Unifying embedded root phenomena; Part II: Diachrony; 14 Cecilia Poletto: Null subjects in Old Italian; 15 Sam Wolfe: Rethinking Medieval Romance Verb Second; 16 Charlotte Galves: Partial Verb Second in Classical Portuguese; 17 Eric Haeberli, Susan Pintzuk, and Ann Taylor: Object pronoun fronting and the nature of Verb Second in early English; 18 Marieke Meelen: Reconstructing the rise of Verb Second in Welsh; 19 Melanie Jouitteau: Verb Second and the Left Edge Filling Trigger; 20 Krzysztof Migdalski: On a diachronic relation between the richness of Tense, Force, and second position effects; 21 Željko Boškovič: On the syntax and prosody of Verb Second and Clitic Second; 22 George Walkden and Hannah Booth: Reassessing the historical evidence for general embedded Verb Second; 23 Svetlana Petrova: Embedded Verb Second in the history of German; Part III: Variation and Acquisition; 24 Ermenegildo Bidese, Andrea Padovan, and Alessandra Tomaselli: Rethinking Verb Second and Nominative case assignment: New insights from a Germanic variety in Northern Italy; 25 Jan Casalicchio and Federica Cognola: Parameterizing ’lexical subject-finite verb’ inversion across Verb Second languages: On the role of Relativized Minimality at the vP edge; 26 Coppe van Urk: Verb Second is syntactic: Verb Third structures in Dinka; 27 Alessandra Giorgi and Sona Haroutuynian: Verb Second and Verb Third in Modern Eastern Armenian; 28 Molly Diesing and Beatrice Santorini: The scope of embedded Verb Second in modern Yiddish; 29 Heike Wiese, Mehmet Tahir Oncu, Hans G. Muller, and Eva Wittenberg: Verb Third in spoken German: A natural order of information; 30 Alexander Andrason: Verb Second in Wymysorys; 31 Emily Manetta: Expanding the typology of Verb Second VPE: The case of Kashmiri; 32 Colleen Fitzgerald: Second and first position in Tohono O’odham auxiliaries; 33 Terje Lohndal, Marit Westergaard, and Oystein A. Vangsnes: Verb Second in Norwegian: Variation and acquisition; 34 Emanuela Sanfelici, Corinna Trabandt, and Petra Schulz: The role of variation of verb placement in the input: Evidence from the acquisition of Verb Second and Verb Final German relative clauses; 35 Isaac Gould: The role of ambiguity in child errors: A comparison with Dependency Length Minimization; 36 Rebecca Woods and Tom Roeper: Rethinking auxiliary doubling in adult and child language; References; Index
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