This book provides a state-of-art overview of the significant advances in understanding the impacts of wind energy on wildlife. However, many challenges remain regarding planning and policy, assessment of direct and indirect effects on wildlife, methodological approaches, technology development, and mitigation strategies and their effectiveness.The book comprises a selection of the best contributions presented at the 4th Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts, held in Estoril, Portugal, 2017. The contents promote the international cooperation among researchers, developers, regulators and stakeholders that have contributed to building knowledge on this topic.
Chapter 1. The Role of Adaptive Management in the Wind Energy Industry (Andrea Copping, Victoria Gartman, Roel May and Finlay Bennet).- Chapter 2. Wildlife Mortality at Wind Facilities: How We Know What We Know, How We Might Mislead Ourselves and How We Set Our Future Course (Manuela Huso).- Chapter 3. Avoidance Behaviour of Migrating Raptors Approaching an Offshore Windfarm (Erik M. Jacobsen Flemming P. Jensen and Jan Blew).- Chapter 4. Estimating Potential Costs of Cumulative Barrier Effects on Migrating Raptors: A Case Study using Global Positioning System Tracking in Japan (Dale M. Kikuchi, Toru Nakahara, Wataru Kitamura and Noriyuki M. Yamaguchi).- Chapter 5. A Pioneer in Transition: Horizon Scanning of Emerging Issues in Germany’s Sustainable Wind Energy Development (Johann Köppel, Juliane Biehl, Volker Wachendörfer and Alexander Bittner).- Chapter 6. The Mitigation of Impact and the Impact of Mitigation: An Ethical Perspective (Roel May).- Chapter 7. The First Large Scale Offshore Aerial Survey Using A High Resolution Camera System (Stephanie McGovern, Julia Robinson Wilmott, Gregory Lampman, Ann Pembroke, Simon Warford, Mark Rehfisch and Stuart Clough).- Chapter 8. Wind Farm Effects on Migratory Flight of Swans and Foraging Distribution at Their Stopover Site (Sachiko Moriguchi, Haruka Mukai, Ryosuke Komachi and Tsuneo Sekijima).- Chapter 9. Automatic Bird Identification for Offshore Wind Farms (Juha Niemi and Juha T. Tanttu).- Chapter 10. Towards an Ecosystem Approach to Assess the Impacts of Marine Renewable Energy (Jean-Philippe Pezy, Aurore Raoux, Nathalie Niquil and Jean-Claude Dauvin).- Chapter 11. Camera-trapping versus Conventional Methodology in the Assessment of Carcass Persistence for Fatality Estimation at Wind Farms (Luís Rosa, Tiago Neves, Diana Vieira and Miguel Mascarenhas).- Chapter 12. Lost in Bias? Multifaceted Discourses Framing the Communication of Wind and Wildlife Research Results – the PROGRESS Case (Jessica Weber, Juliane Biehl and Johann Köppel).- Chapter 13. Estimating the Potential Mortality of Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus) Due to Wind Energy Development on the Island of Crete (Greece) (Stavros M. Xirouchakis, Efi Armeni, Stamatina Nikolopoulou and John Halley).
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