This book presents recent advances made in materials science and engineering within Russian academia, particularly groups working in the Ural Federal University District. Topics explored in this volume include structure formation analysis of complicated alloys, non-ferrous metals metallurgy, composite composed materials science, and high-pressure treatment of metals and alloys. The finding discussed in this volume are to critical to multiple industries including manufacturing, structural materials, oil and gas, coatings, and metal fabrication.
Part 1. Structure Formation Analysis of Complicated Alloys.- Kinetic Parameters and Activation Energy of Pearlitic and Bainitic Transformations Calculated by Analyzing the TTT Diagrams of Undercooled Austenite.- Alloying Addition Effect on the Structure and Behavior of a Cu-Ni-Zn Three-Component System Alloy Under Lost Wax Casting.- Structural Changes in Austenitic-Ferritic Steel 03Kh14N10K5M2Yu2T During Heating and Cooling.- Correlation of Instrumented Charpy Load-Displacement Curves with Crack Growth in API 5L Grade X80 Pipeline Steels.- Damping Behavior of Aluminum Replicated Foam.- Part 2. Non-ferrous Metals Metallurgy Due to the Refining of Secondary Raw Materials.- Recovery of Lead and Zinc From Fine Dust of the Copper Smelting Industry Using a Chelating Agent.- High-Pressure Leaching Arsenic Containing Polymetallic Copper Mattes.- Investigation of TSL Furnace Hydrodynamics Using the Cold Modeling Method.- Physical Simulation of Melt Lancing in a TROF Converter.- Thermodynamic Features Research of Polymetallic Sulfide Raw Material Leaching.- Investigation of Lignosulfonate Adsorption on Zinc Materials in Acidic Media.- Complex Processing of Refractory Pyrite Copper, Copper-Zinc and Polymetallic Ores on the Basis of Flotation and Combined Technologies.- Part 3. Composite Compound Materials Science in Building Engineering.- Impact of Waterproofing Permeable Capillary Mixtures on Cement Stone.- Composite Cement with a Polymer Addition.- The Manufacture of Concretes Based on Unburnt Ash Gravel.- Physical-Chemical Bases of a Glass Batch Preparation Technique.- Influence of Ion-Electron Interaction at the Metal-Oxide Melt Boundary on the Protective Properties of Enamel Coatings.- Study of Enamel Slip Particles Interaction Using Model Systems.- Peculiarities of Formation of Phase Structure and the Hydraulic Activity of High-Calcium Fly Ash.- Part 4. High-Pressure Treatment of Metals and Alloys.- Modernization of the Method of Rolling of Hot-Rolled Tubes.- New Engineering Solutions in the Production of Laminated Composite Pipes for the Oil Industry.- Precision of the Tubes Produced by Drawing and Cold Rolling.- Features of Multihole Stamping of Platinum Glass Melting Apparatus Elements.- Research on Metal Forming in the Pipe Ends Upsetting Process.- The Study of Residual Stresses and Surface Hardening in Tubes After Finishing Processes.
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