This book focuses on the crucial sustainability challenge of reducing food waste at the level of consumer-society. Providing an in-depth, research-based overview of the multifaceted problem, it considers environmental, economic, social and ethical factors. Perspectives included in the book address households, consumers, and organizations, and their role in reducing food waste. Rather than focusing upon the reasons for food waste itself, the chapters develop research-based solutions for the problem, providing a much-needed solution-orientated approach that takes multiple perspectives into account.Chapters 1, 2 and 16of this book are available open access under a CC BY 4.0license at link.springer.com
Introduction: Solutions for managing food waste.- Household food waste – how to avoid it? An integrative review.- Nudging in food waste management: Where sustainability meets cost-effectiveness.- Managerial practices of reducing food waste in supermarkets.- The evolution of the German anti-food waste movement: Turning sustainable ideas into business.- Distributed agency in food waste – A focus on non-human actors in retail setting.- Between kitchen sink and city sewer: A socio-ecological approach to food waste in environmental design.- Creating resilient interventions to food waste: Aligning and leveraging systems and design thinking.- Assumptions about consumers in food waste campaigns: A visual analysis.- From scarcity to abundance: Food waste themes and virtues in agrarian and mature consumer society.- Mobilising consumers for food waste reduction in Finnish media discourse.- Insect-based bioconversion: Value from food waste.- Gleaning: Turning food waste at farms into marketable products.- Exploring food waste reducing apps – A business model lens.- ECOWASTE4FOOD project: Cases for food waste reduction at city and regional levels in the EU.- From measurement to management: Food waste in the Finnish food chain.
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