This volume is the first of two containing selected papers from the International Conference on Advances in Mathematical Sciences (ICAMS), held at the Vellore Institute of Technology in December 2017. This meeting brought together researchers from around the world to share their work, with the aim of promoting collaboration as a means of solving various problems in modern science and engineering. The authors of each chapter present a research problem, techniques suitable for solving it, and a discussion of the results obtained. These volumes will be of interest to both theoretical- and application-oriented individuals in academia and industry.
Papers in Volume I are dedicated to active and open areas of research in algebra, analysis, operations research, and statistics, and those of Volume II consider differential equations, fluid mechanics, and graph theory.
Part 5: Differential Equations.- Numerical Solution to Singularly Perturbed Differential Equation of Reaction-Diffusion Type in MAGDM Problems.- Application of Integro-Differential Equations using Sumudu Transform in Intuitionistic Trapezoidal Fuzzy MAGDM Problems.- Existence of Meromorphic Solution of Riccati-Abel Differential Equation.- Expansion of Function with Uncertain Parameters in Higher Dimension.- Analytical Solutions of the Bloch Equation via Fractional Operators with Non-Singular Kernels.- Solution of the Lorenz Model with Help from the corresponding Ginzburg-Landau Model.- Estimation of Upper Bounds for Initial Coefficients and Fekete-Szegö Inequality for a Subclass of Analytic Bi-Univalent Functions.- An Adaptive Mesh Selection Strategy for Solving Singularly Perturbed Parabolic Partial Differential Equations with a Small Delay.- Part 6: Fluid Dynamics.- Steady Finite-Amplitude Rayleigh-Bénard-Taylor Convection of Newtonian Nanoliquid in a High-Porosity Medium.- MHD Three Dimensional Darcy-Forchheimer Flow of a Nanofluid with Nonlinear Thermal Radiation.- Effect of Electromagnetohydrodynamic on Chemically Reacting Nanofluid Flow over a Cone and Plate.- Effect of Non-Linear Radiation on 3D Unsteady MHD Nanoliquid Flow over a Stretching Surface with Double Stratification.- Chemical Reaction and Non-Uniform Heat Source/Sink Effects on Casson Fluid Flow over a Vertical Cone and Flat Plate Saturated with Porous Medium.- An Analytic Solution of the Unsteady Flow Between Two Coaxial Rotating Disks.- Cross Diffusion Effects on MHD Convection of Casson-Williamson Fluid Over a Stretching Surface with Radiation and Chemical Reaction.- Study of Steady, Two-Dimensional, Unicellular Convection in a Water-Copper Nanoliquid-Saturated Porous Enclosure using Single-Phase Model.- Homo-Heterogeneous Chemical Reactions Effects on Williamson MHD Stagnation Point Slip Flow: A Numerical Study.- The Influence of Wall Properties on the Peristaltic Pumping of a Casson Fluid.- Peristaltic Flow of a Jeffrey Fluid in Contact with a Newtonian Fluid in a Vertical Channel.- MHD and Cross Diffusion Effects on Peristaltic Flow of a Casson Nanofluid in a Duct.- Axisymmetric Vibration in a Submerged Piezoelectric Rod Coated with Thin Film.- Numerical Exploration of 3D Steady State Flow under the Effect of Thermal Radiation as well as Heat Generation/Absorption over a Non-Linearly Stretching Sheet.- Radiated Slip Flow of Williamson Unsteady MHD Fluid over a Chemically Reacting Sheet with Variable Conductivity and Heat Source or Sink.- Approximate Analytical Solution of HIV/AIDS Dynamic Model during Primary Infection.- Stratification and Cross Diffusion Effects on Magneto-Convection Stagnation-Point Flow in a Porous Medium with Chemical Reaction, Radiation, and Slip Effects.- Natural Convection of Newtonian Liquids and Nanoliquids Confined in Low-Porosity Enclosures.- Study of Viscous Fluid Flow Past an Impervious Cylinder in Porous Region with Magnetic Field.- Numerical Solution of Steady Powell-Eyring Fluid over a Stretching Cylinder with Binary Chemical Reaction and Arrhenius Activation Energy.- Effects of Homogeneous-Heterogeneous Reactions in MHD Stagnation Point Nanofluid Flow towards a Cylinder with Non-Uniform Heat Source or Sink.- Effects of Thermal Radiation on Peristaltic Flow of Nanofluid in a Channel with Joule Heating and Hall Current.- Chemically Reactive 3D Nonlinear Magneto Hyrdodynamic Rotating Flow of Nanofluids over a Deformable Surface with Joule Heating through Porous Medium.- MHD Carreau Fluid Flow Past a Melting Surface with Cattaneo-Christov Heat Flux.- Effect of Porous Uneven Sea-Bed on a Water Wave Diffraction Problem.- Nonlinear Wave Propagation through a Radiating Van der Waals Fluid with Variable Density.- Effect of Slip and Convective Heating on Unsteady MHD Chemically Reacting Flow over a Porous Surface with Suction.- Sol
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